DAMOV is a benchmark suite and a methodical framework targeting the study of data movement bottlenecks in modern applications. It is intended to study new architectures, such as near-data processing. Described by Oliveira et al. (preliminary version at
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Multi-thread benchmark #11

Closed kongty closed 1 year ago

kongty commented 1 year ago


It seems like thread and core are used interchangeably across the entire simulation flow. Is it possible to simulate multi-thread application? (e.g. 4 core hardware, 2 thread for each core)


geraldofojunior commented 1 year ago

Hi Kongty,

Zsim does allow the simulation of a multi-thread application, as you described. We did not try such a configuration in DAMOV-SIM since we did not change how zsim originally schedules threads across cores; it should work as in zsim.

Please, give it a look at zsim main GitHub page for more details: