DAMOV is a benchmark suite and a methodical framework targeting the study of data movement bottlenecks in modern applications. It is intended to study new architectures, such as near-data processing. Described by Oliveira et al. (preliminary version at
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error running host_ooo, prefetch for triad operation using 16 cores #26

Open apoorvaaaa5 opened 8 months ago

apoorvaaaa5 commented 8 months ago

Hey, i am getting this error could u help me resolve this issue please, it would be of great help Thanks & Regards

[S 0] WARN: Futex wake matching failed (0/12) (external/ff waiters?) [S 0] Failed assertion on build/opt/coherence_ctrls.cpp:125 'state == S || state == E' (with '0 == 1 || 0') [S 0] [6] Internal exception detected: [S 0] [6] Code: 1 [S 0] [6] Address: 0x7ffff6dd38d3 [S 0] [6] Description: Exception Code: ACCESS_INVALID_ADDRESS. Exception Address = 0x7ffff6dd38d3. Access Type: UNKNOWN. Access Address = 0x000000000 [S 0] [6] Caused by invalid access to address 0x0 [S 0] [6] Backtrace (12/40 max frames) [S 0] [6] /home/apoorva/Downloads/DAMOV/simulator/build/opt/zsim.cpp:1463 / InternalExceptionHandler(unsigned int, LEVEL_BASE::EXCEPTION_INFO, LEVEL_VM::PHYSICAL_CONTEXT, void) [S 0] [6] :? / LEVEL_PINCLIENT::IEH_CALLBACKS::NotifyInternalException(unsigned int, LEVEL_BASE::EXCEPTION_INFO, LEVEL_VM::CONTEXT) [S 0] [6] /home/apoorva/Downloads/DAMOV/simulator/pin/intel64/bin/pinbin(_ZN8LEVEL_VM12SIGNALS_IMPL19InternalHandlerSyncEiPN7BARECRT8SIGXINFOEPN5PINVM11ISIGCONTEXTEPPKNS_14SCT_ATTRIBUTESEPNS_5PCTXTEPj+0x444) [0x3043a9454] [S 0] [6] /home/apoorva/Downloads/DAMOV/simulator/pin/intel64/bin/pinbin(_ZN8LEVEL_VM12SIGNALS_IMPL20HandlePhysicalSignalEPN7BARECRT8SIGXINFOEPN5PINVM11ISIGCONTEXTE+0x124) [0x3043aa1f4] [S 0] [6] /home/apoorva/Downloads/DAMOV/simulator/pin/intel64/bin/pinbin(_ZN5PINVM28SIGNAL_DETAILS_LINUX_INTEL6415InternalHandlerEiPN7BARECRT8SIGXINFOEPv+0xe8) [0x304438c88] [S 0] [6] /home/apoorva/Downloads/DAMOV/simulator/pin/intel64/bin/pinbin(BARECRT_SigReturnRt+0) [0x30446603c] [S 0] [6] /home/apoorva/Downloads/DAMOV/simulator/build/opt/coherence_ctrls.cpp:125 (discriminator 15) / MESIBottomCC::processAccess(unsigned long, unsigned int, AccessType, unsigned long, unsigned int, unsigned int) [S 0] [6] /home/apoorva/Downloads/DAMOV/simulator/build/opt/coherence_ctrls.h:483 / MESITerminalCC::processAccess(MemReq const&, int, unsigned long, unsigned long) [S 0] [6] /home/apoorva/Downloads/DAMOV/simulator/build/opt/cache.cpp:94 / Cache::access(MemReq&) [S 0] [6] /home/apoorva/Downloads/DAMOV/simulator/build/opt/filter_cache.h:140 / FilterCache::replace(unsigned long, unsigned int, bool, unsigned long) [S 0] [6] /home/apoorva/Downloads/DAMOV/simulator/build/opt/ooo_core.cpp:627 / OOOCore::BblFunc(unsigned int, unsigned long, BblInfo*) [S 0] [6] [0x7fffe423b704] C: Tool (or Pin) caused signal 11 at PC 0x7ffff6dd38d3 [H] Child 3537 done [H] Panic on build/opt/zsim_harness.cpp:123: Child 3537 (idx 0) exit was anomalous, killing simulation