DAMOV is a benchmark suite and a methodical framework targeting the study of data movement bottlenecks in modern applications. It is intended to study new architectures, such as near-data processing. Described by Oliveira et al. (preliminary version at https://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.03725.pdf)
I am having a hard time debugging zsim. Attach debugger doesn't work for me. For some reason, it pops up a UI a bit too late (no clue why). Also, gdb doesn't show all the modules (especially filter array and etc). Any help is much appreciated.
I am having a hard time debugging zsim. Attach debugger doesn't work for me. For some reason, it pops up a UI a bit too late (no clue why). Also, gdb doesn't show all the modules (especially filter array and etc). Any help is much appreciated.