CMU-SAFARI / ramulator2

Ramulator 2.0 is a modern, modular, extensible, and fast cycle-accurate DRAM simulator. It provides support for agile implementation and evaluation of new memory system designs (e.g., new DRAM standards, emerging RowHammer mitigation techniques). Described in our paper
MIT License
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Zsim Integration #18

Closed aymenjelal closed 1 year ago

aymenjelal commented 1 year ago


Is there a pre exsisting wrapper for Zsim? I am trying to create a wrapper for Zsim to use ramulator2 in integration with Zsim but finding it a little difficult while following the steps on the read me.

RichardLuo79 commented 1 year ago


Ramulator 2.0 requires a C++ compiler that supports the C++20 standard. Unfortunately, the current public version of Zsim ( does not work with newer compilers due to changes in the ABI that makes Pin 2.14 incompatible.

I think it should be possible to integrate Ramulator 2.0 with a Zsim version that works with modern compilers and Pin 3.20+.

aymenjelal commented 1 year ago
