CMU-TBD / SocNavBench

A Grounded Simulation Testing Framework for Evaluating Social Navigation:
MIT License
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Failure to add autonomous agents #20

Open ericaweng opened 2 years ago

ericaweng commented 2 years ago

I change these two lines in episode_params_val.ini from:

agents_start=[] ; start pos_3's of the generated agent configs
agents_end=[] ; end pos_3's of the generated agent configs


agents_start=[[5, 6, 1.5], [5, 7, 1.5]] ; start pos_3's of the generated agent configs
agents_end=[[12, 16.5, 1.2], [3, 5, 2.3]] ; end pos_3's of the generated agent configs

Running PYOPENGL_PLATFORM=egl PYTHONPATH='.' python3 tests/, I get this error:

Waiting for Joystick connection...
Robot <-- Joystick (receiver) connection established
Robot --> Joystick (sender) connection established

Starting episode "t_ETH1" in building "ETH"
Simulator running in synchronous mode, dt=0.050s
Render mode: Schematic view (TOPVIEW only)
Generating 2 autonomous human agents
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tests/", line 110, in <module>
  File "tests/", line 80, in test_episodes
  File "/home/eweng/SocNavBench/simulators/", line 456, in add_agents
  File "/home/eweng/SocNavBench/simulators/", line 95, in add_agent
  File "/home/eweng/SocNavBench/agents/", line 50, in simulation_init
  File "/home/eweng/SocNavBench/agents/", line 289, in _init_fmm_map
  File "/home/eweng/SocNavBench/utils/", line 122, in create_fmm_map_based_on_goal_position
  File "/home/eweng/SocNavBench/utils/", line 42, in __init__
  File "/home/eweng/SocNavBench/utils/", line 58, in compute_fmm_distance_and_angle
    phi, dx=self.fmm_distance_map.map_scale * np.ones(2))
  File "/home/eweng/.anaconda3/envs/socnavbench/lib/python3.6/site-packages/skfmm/", line 111, in distance
    int(self_test), DISTANCE, order, narrow, periodic)
ValueError: the array phi contains no zero contour (no zero level set)

However, when I change it to these two lines:

agents_start=[[5, 6, 1.5], [5, 7, 1.5]] ; start pos_3's of the generated agent configs
agents_end=[[12, 16.5, 1.2], [13, 14.5, 1.2]] ; end pos_3's of the generated agent configs

It works fine. Are there constraints on x / y / theta which make the second set of agent start / goal params work but not the first set?

All tests pass (PYTHONPATH='.' python3 tests/, and PYOPENGL_PLATFORM=egl PYTHONPATH='.' python3 tests/ / python3 joystick/