DIRTY: Augmenting Decompiler Output with Learned Variable Names and Types
MIT License
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Dataset is deprecated #5

Closed sei-eschwartz closed 2 years ago

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

I installed via the directions and get:

dirty-exp train --cuda --expname=eval_dirty_mt multitask.xfmr.jsonnet --eval-ckpt exp_runs/dirty_mt.ckpt 
WARNING:root:unable to load [idaapi], stub loaded instead
WARNING:root:unable to load [ida_auto], stub loaded instead
WARNING:root:unable to load [ida_funcs], stub loaded instead
WARNING:root:unable to load [ida_hexrays], stub loaded instead
WARNING:root:unable to load [ida_kernwin], stub loaded instead
WARNING:root:unable to load [ida_lines], stub loaded instead
WARNING:root:unable to load [ida_pro], stub loaded instead
WARNING:root:unable to load [ida_typeinf], stub loaded instead
WARNING:root:unable to load [idautils], stub loaded instead
Main process id 29909
use random seed 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ed/Documents/DIRTY/env/bin/dirty-exp", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('cmu-dirty', 'console_scripts', 'dirty-exp')())
  File "/home/ed/Documents/DIRTY/dirty/src/dirty/", line 131, in main
  File "/home/ed/Documents/DIRTY/dirty/src/dirty/", line 51, in train
  File "/home/ed/Documents/DIRTY/dirty/src/dirty/utils/", line 171, in __init__
  File "/home/ed/Documents/DIRTY/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/webdataset/", line 41, in __init__
    raise Exception("Dataset is deprecated; use webdataset.WebDataset instead")
Exception: Dataset is deprecated; use webdataset.WebDataset instead

Here are the versions of packages installed in my venv:

Package                 Version   Editable project location
----------------------- --------- -----------------------------------------
absl-py                 1.0.0
aiohttp                 3.8.1
aiosignal               1.2.0
async-timeout           4.0.2
asynctest               0.13.0
attrs                   21.4.0
braceexpand             0.1.7
cachetools              4.2.4
certifi                 2021.10.8
charset-normalizer      2.0.12
click                   8.0.4
cmu-dirty               0.0.0     /home/ed/Documents/DIRTY/dirty/src
configparser            5.2.0
csvnpm-utils            0.0.0     /home/ed/Documents/DIRTY/csvnpm-utils/src
dataclasses             0.8
docker-pycreds          0.4.0
docopt                  0.6.2
frozenlist              1.2.0
fsspec                  2022.1.0
future                  0.18.2
gitdb                   4.0.9
GitPython               3.1.18
google-auth             2.6.5
google-auth-oauthlib    0.4.6
grpcio                  1.44.0
idna                    3.3
idna-ssl                1.1.0
importlib-metadata      4.8.3
joblib                  1.1.0
jsonlines               2.0.0
jsonnet                 0.17.0
Markdown                3.3.6
multidict               5.2.0
numpy                   1.19.5
oauthlib                3.2.0
packaging               21.3
pathtools               0.1.2
pip                     21.3.1
pkg_resources           0.0.0
promise                 2.3
protobuf                3.19.4
psutil                  5.9.0
pyasn1                  0.4.8
pyasn1-modules          0.2.8
Pygments                2.9.0
pyparsing               3.0.8
python-dateutil         2.8.2
pytorch-lightning       1.2.10
PyYAML                  6.0
requests                2.27.1
requests-oauthlib       1.3.1
rsa                     4.8
scikit-learn            0.24.2
scipy                   1.5.4
sentencepiece           0.1.96
sentry-sdk              1.5.10
setuptools              59.6.0
shortuuid               1.0.8
six                     1.16.0
smmap                   5.0.0
subprocess32            3.5.4
tensorboard             2.8.0
tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1
tensorboard-plugin-wit  1.8.1
threadpoolctl           3.1.0
torch                   1.8.1
torchmetrics            0.2.0
tqdm                    4.60.0
typing_extensions       4.1.1
ujson                   4.0.2
urllib3                 1.26.9
wandb                   0.10.33
webdataset              0.1.103
Werkzeug                2.0.3
wheel                   0.37.1
yarl                    1.7.2
zipp                    3.6.0
sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

This is fixed on the main branch now