CMakePP / CMakePPLang

Object-oriented extension to the CMake language.
Apache License 2.0
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Suggestions for documentation improvement #82

Closed twindus closed 1 year ago

twindus commented 1 year ago

On a relatively quick read up to and NOT including the "Language Features" section: here are some notes on things that could be improved in the documentation from an "outsider" point of view (Note that I didn't test anything myself, just read through it):

On the landing page:

On the getting started page:

On the obtaining_cmakepplang.html page:

I really liked the examples! In getting_started/cmakepp_examples/classes.html:

In getting_started/example_project.html:

zachcran commented 1 year ago

@twindus Thank you so much for the feedback! I will get working on these.

zachcran commented 1 year ago

In 1.6, it might be useful to point out that you are not using the PARENT_SCOPE method from 1.5 and why. I think that would clarify the different ways of returning information.

This is a TODO for me: On rewrite, I noticed that using the PARENT_SCOPE method vs cpp_return() here does not actually make the code more concise, so it is not a good example. I have definitely had times where cpp_return() is more concise than the PARENT_SCOPE method and it also feels more like other languages where you would say return <value>.

zachcran commented 1 year ago

In the "Building the Project" directions, I was a bit confused about what directory the build command should be run at. The first sentence says go to the project directory, which I assume is the "." in the layout picture at the top of the page. Then below the build commands it says that the "." is the root directory for the CMakePPLang repository. Maybe these two are the same? It might be useful to show the layout picture after CMakePPLang has been installed? What am I missing?

This one was just a typo on my part. I fixed it. All of those references should have been to the example project, not CMakePPLang.

zachcran commented 1 year ago

The copyright on the bottom of the pages are set at 2019.

@ryanmrichard Should this be updated to 2023?

zachcran commented 1 year ago

Perhaps add a list of developers?

@ryanmrichard @twindus I think that along with a list of developers, some contributing instructions would also be useful. The contributing instructions can tell new contributors how to add their names to the list (if we can't find an action to do it for us). I'll make a separate PR from the rest of the edits for this.

ryanmrichard commented 1 year ago

@zachcran contributing instructions are set organization-wide by having a file in the repo.

When you open a PR, GitHub automatically links to it (see the bottom right corner of the screen shot)


That said, it would be great if GitHub did a better job of showcasing it. In lieu of that, I'd recommend linking back to the one in the .github repo.

The list of developers is a good idea. It would be good to automate at least some part of it (and eventually steal that automation for the NWX org too...).

ryanmrichard commented 1 year ago

The copyright on the bottom of the pages are set at 2019.

@ryanmrichard Should this be updated to 2023?

I thought the copyright year was supposed to be the year it was first copyrighted, but I don't know for sure.

ryanmrichard commented 1 year ago

FWIW this suggests you add a year to the copyright anytime the source is changed.

twindus commented 1 year ago

That is my experience as well.

zachcran commented 1 year ago

FWIW this suggests you add a year to the copyright anytime the source is changed.

Sounds good. I think we missed a few years of updating that then. I'll check which years have had changes (if that is easy to do) and list those years. Likely it will be 2019-2023.