CMuscroft / intro-data-capstone-musclehub

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Summary #5

Open jmcrey opened 5 years ago

jmcrey commented 5 years ago

Rubric Score

Criteria 1: Presentation / Analysis Document

Score Level: 4 (Exceeds Expectations) Comment(s): This presentation was fantastic! I loved the format of it -- very visually appealing -- and how it followed a very logical format. Also, the presentation fulfills all of our requirements:

Also, I love the addition of the analysis on the qualitative data -- very nice job including this in the conclusions/recommendations as well. Overall, this presentation was excellent! Great job!

P.S. There was one graph that was repeated twice in the presentation -- see this issue for more details.

Criteria 2: Code Accurate

Score Level: 3 (Meets Expectations) Comment(s): All of the code accurately retrieves all data intended, and the code correctly leverage the data frames to produce accurate bar-graphs. However, there was one error when the code was run: the variable app did not exist and thus the code threw an error when print app was run. This issue was covered more here. Besides this, the code was accurate and produced all desired results. Very nice job overall!

Criteria 3: Understanding Hypothesis Testing and Interpreting the P-Values

Score Level: 4 (exceeds Expectations) Comment(s): The document analysis displays a clear understanding of p-values and hypothesis testing. I mean, the hypotheses are clearly stated, the hypothesis testing is run correctly and the results are verbosely stated, and each outcome is interpreted and described in easy-to-understand language. Excellent job running these tests and laying out exactly what they mean for Musclehub!

Criteria 4: Ability to Interpret the Objective & Outcome of the Analysis in Business Context

Score Level: 4 (Exceeds Expectations) Comment(s): The objective clearly states the both the business reason for the analysis and the question the analysis is attempting to answer. Also, the findings are interpreted accurately, are expertly summarized in a Recommendations/Conclusions slide, and the presentation directly addresses the questions raised in the objective. Fantastic job!

Overall Score: 15/16

Overall this project was fantastic! The code was very well done and the presentation was wonderful! There were only a couple points that could have been improved for the future. First, a graph is duplicated in the presentation and thus a section was not using the appropriate graph (#4). Second, the code threw an error when running the print app line because the app variable did not yet exist (#1).

Besides the error, the long SQL statement at the beginning of the code-base was fairly difficult to read because it did not use indentation or spacing to ease digestion of the query. So, I highly recommend reading over our SQL Style Guide and formatting that query according to the rules in that guide. This topic is discussed more here.

Lastly, the first graph could have included more y-tick labels so that all values were covered in the graph; as it is, not all values are covered and thus the second bar could be "left for interpretation". Thus, it may be better to include all the values contained in the chart such that everything is explicit. But, this is a small detail since the numbers are clearly stated in the presentation. But, if interested, I cover this topic a bit more here.

In any case, this project was excellent. Especially the presentation formatting, the explicitly stated hypotheses and chi2 results, and the clearly stated recommendations and conclusions based on the gathered data. Everything was completely on point.

Fantastic job!

CMuscroft commented 5 years ago

Thank you for this review! I spent many hours working on this project, and your detailed review and feedback is very much appreciated. I am so pleased to receive a positive mark on this.