CN-UPB / tng-sdk-benchmark

5GTANGO SDK tool for fully automated VNF and network service benchmarking and profiling.
Apache License 2.0
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Create OSM NSD file generator #22

Closed qarawlus closed 5 years ago

qarawlus commented 5 years ago

Handle existing NSD files and add the probe connection points to the NSD.

Example from PED file:

 - function: "mp.input"
        # loop longer than experiment lasts
        cmd_start: ["tcpreplay -i data -tK --loop 1000 --preload-pcap /pcaps/smallFlows.pcap"]
        cmd_stop: "./"
        # cpu_bw: null  # float: fraction of CPU time in vim-emu (In OSM no need for this)
        cpu_cores: 1  # string: this is "cpuset_cpu" in vim-emu e.g. ["0, 1"] -> 2 CPUs
        mem_max: 1024  # int: Memory in MByte
        # mem_swap_max: null
        # io_bw: null
      - function: "mp.output"
        cmd_start: null
        cmd_stop: "./"  # dump packet counters to logs
        # cpu_bw: null  # float: fraction of CPU time in vim-emu (In Openstack no need for this)
        cpu_cores: 1  # string: this is "cpuset_cpu" in vim-emu e.g. ["0, 1"] -> 2 CPUs
        mem_max: 1024  # int: Memory in MByte
        # mem_swap_max: null
        # io_bw: null

This would require that a probe is added to the input of the NSD (i.e. before the first VNF) and a probe to be added to the end of the NSD.

        -   vnfd-id-ref: hackfest-simplecharm-vnf
            member-vnf-index: '1'
        -   vnfd-id-ref: hackfest-simplecharm-vnf
            member-vnf-index: '2'

DEADLINE: Mon. 14.10.2019 - 08:00

avimehenwal commented 5 years ago

Try 1 - Adding probes


avimehenwal commented 5 years ago

Agreed NSD with probes setup


avimehenwal commented 5 years ago



@Harshita-Puri @SuganthiJagan