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Model implementation for "Adaptive computation as a new mechanism of human attention"
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probe condition list #39

Closed belledon closed 3 years ago

belledon commented 4 years ago

as of now there are a total of 24 scenes with 12 conditions: batch (2) x probe (2) x tracker (3) However, we will be splitting the 24 scenes along batch such that we can run 2 experiments of 12 trials with 6 (tracker x probe)

You can find an early draft of render under probe_stimuli/probes.tar.gz and the probe map under probe_stimuli/attention_analysis/exp0_probe_map.csv.

The file name breaks down to <scene>_<tracker>_t_<epoch>_[probe|noprobe]_[trg|dis].mp4


eivinasbutkus commented 4 years ago

For each batch create a condlist.json such that there are 6 conditions (tracker x probe). We are aiming for 120 trials per condition. For each scene, there will be 10 repetitions (1 tracker x 5 time points x 2 target/distractor) per condition

Does this mean that, say, Alice will see 12 scenes with tracker 1 and all with probe, and Bob will see 12 scenes with tracker 2, but no probe whatsoever?

belledon commented 4 years ago

n o sorry, this means that alice sees scene 1 tracker 1 w/ probe scene 2 tracker 2 no probe and bob sees scene 1 tracker 2 w/ probe scene 2 tracker 2 no probe....

imagine there where only 2 scenes, 2 trackers, 2 time points the break down would be

condition 1

scene probe tracker time query
1 T 1 1 Trg
1 T 1 1 Dis
1 T 1 2 Trg
1 T 1 2 Dis
2 F 2 1 Trg
2 F 2 1 Dis
2 F 2 2 Trg
2 F 2 2 Dis

condition 2

scene probe tracker time query
1 T 2 1 Trg
1 T 2 1 Dis
1 T 2 2 Trg
1 T 2 2 Dis
2 F 1 1 Trg
2 F 1 1 Dis
2 F 1 2 Trg
2 F 1 2 Dis

condition 3

scene probe tracker time query
1 F 1 1 Trg
1 F 1 1 Dis
1 F 1 2 Trg
1 F 1 2 Dis
2 T 2 1 Trg
2 T 2 1 Dis
2 T 2 2 Trg
2 T 2 2 Dis

condition 2

scene probe tracker time query
1 F 2 1 Trg
1 F 2 1 Dis
1 F 2 2 Trg
1 F 2 2 Dis
2 T 1 1 Trg
2 T 1 1 Dis
2 T 1 2 Trg
2 T 1 2 Dis