Level-2A processor used for atmospheric correction and cloud-detection. The active repository is the one below, this one is kept to leave access to the older issues.
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Missing SWBD #14

Closed RubenValDin closed 5 years ago

RubenValDin commented 5 years ago

I am running Start-MAJA on some data in Indonesia. I have downloaded the SWDB data from EarthExplorer using the coordinates from as AoI. In total I got three files: e111s03, e112s03 and e112s02. When I run Start-MAJA complains because one of the files (e111s02) is missing and fails:

File "/home/neutral/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/", line 326, in <module>, args.tempout)
  File "/home/neutral/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/", line 286, in run
    water_zipped = self.WaterZipped)
  File "/home/neutral/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/../prepare_dtm/", line 203, in run
Found SRTM zip-archives...
Found Water zip-archives...
Processing with GranuleID
Working directory: /tmp/49MFTszlQPC
('/home/neutral/DTM_SWBD/Creation/SRTM', '/tmp/49MFTszlQPC', '/home/neutral/DTM_SWBD/Creation/Water', '/tmp/49MFTszlQPC')
[59, 13]
[59, 13]
((111.89908281566626, -1.809051653338671, 0.0), (112.88731792789117, -2.8011262590637003, 0.0))
([59, 13], [59, 13])
((111.89908281566626, -1.809051653338671, 0.0), (112.88731792789117, -2.8011262590637003, 0.0))
([111, -2], [112, -3])
('longitudes', 111, 112)
('latitudes', -3, -2)
('center coordinates', [[111.5, -2.5], [111.5, -1.5], [112.5, -2.5], [112.5, -1.5]])
['e111s03', 'e111s02', 'e112s03', 'e112s02']
('liste_fic_mnt', ['srtm_59_13.tif'])
FIC: srtm_59_13.tif
(<type 'str'>, <type 'str'>)
gdalwarp  -r cubic -srcnodata -32767 -dstnodata 0  /tmp/49MFTszlQPC/tmpISoslZ/srtm_59_13.tif /tmp/49MFTszlQPC/tmpISoslZ/srtm_59_13nodata0.tif

('#############Fichier eau :', '/tmp/49MFTszlQPC/tmpISoslZ/e111s03e.shp')
gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l e111s03e /tmp/49MFTszlQPC/tmpISoslZ/e111s03e.shp /tmp/49MFTszlQPC/tmpISoslZ/srtm_59_13_tmp.tif
('missing SWBD watr file : ', 'e111s02')
    calcul_masque_eau_mnt, working_dir=working_dir)
  File "/home/neutral/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/../prepare_dtm/", line 524, in fusion_mnt
    land = TestLand(liste_centre_eau[i][0], liste_centre_eau[i][1])
  File "/home/neutral/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/../prepare_dtm/", line 57, in TestLand
    layer = dataSource.GetLayer()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetLayer'

Is there a way to continue processing even if there is not SWBD data? Regards

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Hi Ruben, sorry for late answer, i had not noticed this issue. I used the following command (with tiles.kml being the file provided by ESA which contains all the tiles definitions). I had already downloaded all the SWBD tiles in the /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SWBD directory, and this includes all the SWBD tiles necessary: python -k tiles.kml -g 49MFT -s /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SRTM -w /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SWBD -o ../DTM

As for you, the e111s02 tile is missing, but I get

('missing SWBD watr file : ', 'e111s02')
it is a fully land tile
('#############Fichier eau :', '/work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SWBD/e111s02.gml')
gdal_rasterize -burn 0 -l e111s02 /work/CESBIO/projects/Maja/SWBD/e111s02.gml /tmp/49MFTS5IW8b/tmpjO7ymF/srtm_59_13_tmp.tif
Warning 1: The output raster dataset has a SRS, but the input vector layer SRS is unknown.
Ensure input vector has the same SRS, otherwise results might be incorrect.
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

It worked with no issue.

Did you download the latest version of Start-Maja ? You should have this directory in your installation:

Can you check it ? Olivier

RubenValDin commented 5 years ago

Hi Olivier, Thank you very much for checking it. I have run again and it worked properly.

('missing SWBD watr file : ', 'e111s02')
it is a fully land tile
('#############Fichier eau :', '/mnt/passesData/Ruben/DTMsTest/DTM/Water//e111s02.gml')
gdal_rasterize -burn 0 -l e111s02 /mnt/passesData/Ruben/DTMsTest/DTM/Water//e111s02.gml /tmp/49MFTuyNuP7/tmpITdYoh/srtm_59_13_tmp.tif
Warning 1: The output raster dataset has a SRS, but the input vector layer SRS is unknown.
Ensure input vector has the same SRS, otherwise results might be incorrect.
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

I believe I know where the issue were coming from. I am curious how MAJA works here. As you can see in the screenshot there is a small area in red which is not covered by the tiles and that one should be e111s02. However, when I opened the output product the whole tile was processed. Is MAJA doing some kind of extrapolation to fill in that area with data?


RubenValDin commented 5 years ago


I forgot to attach the file.


I would like to ask something else that I forgot before. MAJA uses the SRTM DEM, however, it is not covering latitudes above 60 degrees so if I want to run it in the north of Canada, could I use ASTER DEM?

Thanks Ruben

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for the good news. yes, SWBD tiles are not provided when they are fully land or fully water. The only issue is to know which of these two cases is to be considered, and that's easy to know, using a data base, or the DTM. So DTMCreation, makes a fully land or water tile, and then processes it as if it were a normal SWBD file.

Nothing prevents from using another DEM, but we did not prepare the tool to convert it. It is among the things to do... If you want to contribute an adaptation of DTMCreation to use AsterDem, you are very welcome ;) Best regards, Olivier

resnow92 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have exactly the same error for a particular tile. I downloaded the right versions of Maja, Start_Maja etc... and i have all SRTM and SWBD archives stored in a directory. I successfully ran MAJA on another tile so the installation is OK.

python` /data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/ -k /data/MAJA_to_Run/TempFile_MAJA/kml_grid_tiles/S2A_OPER_GIP_TILPAR_MPC__20151209T095117_V20150622T000000_21000101T000000_B00.kml -g 28QCD -s /data/MAJA_to_Run/srtm_water_forMAja/srtm -w /data/MAJA_to_Run/srtm_water_forMAja/swbd -o /data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/DTM/28QCD
Found SRTM zip-archives...
Found Water zip-archives...
Processing with GranuleID
Working directory: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_
('/data/MAJA_to_Run/srtm_water_forMAja/srtm', '/tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_', '/data/MAJA_to_Run/srtm_water_forMAja/swbd', '/tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_')
[33, 9]
[33, 9]
((-16.88042164508539, 17.176229136834404, 0.0), (-15.84383635471145, 16.19074562988601, 0.0))
([33, 9], [33, 9])
((-16.88042164508539, 17.176229136834404, 0.0), (-15.84383635471145, 16.19074562988601, 0.0))
([-17, 17], [-16, 16])
('longitudes', -17, -16)
('latitudes', 16, 17)
('center coordinates', [[-16.5, 16.5], [-16.5, 17.5], [-15.5, 16.5], [-15.5, 17.5]])
['w017n16', 'w017n17', 'w016n16', 'w016n17']
('liste_fic_mnt', ['srtm_33_09.tif'])
Archive:  /data/MAJA_to_Run/srtm_water_forMAja/swbd/
 extracting: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w017n16f.shp  
 extracting: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w017n16f.dbf  
 extracting: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w017n16f.shx  
Archive:  /data/MAJA_to_Run/srtm_water_forMAja/swbd/
 extracting: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w017n17f.shp  
 extracting: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w017n17f.dbf  
 extracting: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w017n17f.shx  
Archive:  /data/MAJA_to_Run/srtm_water_forMAja/swbd/
 extracting: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w016n16f.shp  
 extracting: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w016n16f.dbf  
 extracting: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w016n16f.shx  
FIC: srtm_33_09.tif
(<type 'str'>, <type 'str'>)
Archive:  /data/MAJA_to_Run/srtm_water_forMAja/srtm/
 extracting: /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/srtm_33_09.tif  
gdalwarp  -r cubic -srcnodata -32767 -dstnodata 0  /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/srtm_33_09.tif /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/srtm_33_09nodata0.tif

Creating output file that is 6000P x 6000L.
Processing /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/srtm_33_09.tif [1/1] : 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
('#############Fichier eau :', '/tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w017n16f.shp')
gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l w017n16f /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w017n16f.shp /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/srtm_33_09_tmp.tif
Warning 1: The output raster dataset has a SRS, but the input vector layer SRS is unknown.
Ensure input vector has the same SRS, otherwise results might be incorrect.
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
('#############Fichier eau :', '/tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w017n17f.shp')
gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l w017n17f /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w017n17f.shp /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/srtm_33_09_tmp.tif
Warning 1: The output raster dataset has a SRS, but the input vector layer SRS is unknown.
Ensure input vector has the same SRS, otherwise results might be incorrect.
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
('#############Fichier eau :', '/tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w016n16f.shp')
gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l w016n16f /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/w016n16f.shp /tmp/28QCDOrRUJ_/tmpr0O_8f/srtm_33_09_tmp.tif
Warning 1: The output raster dataset has a SRS, but the input vector layer SRS is unknown.
Ensure input vector has the same SRS, otherwise results might be incorrect.
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
('missing SWBD watr file : ', 'w016n17')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/", line 326, in <module>, args.tempout)
  File "/data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/", line 286, in run
    water_zipped = self.WaterZipped)
  File "/data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/../prepare_dtm/", line 203, in run
    calcul_masque_eau_mnt, working_dir=working_dir)
  File "/data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/../prepare_dtm/", line 524, in fusion_mnt
    land = TestLand(liste_centre_eau[i][0], liste_centre_eau[i][1])
  File "/data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/../prepare_dtm/", line 57, in TestLand
    layer = dataSource.GetLayer()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetLayer'

thanks for your help

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Hi Resnow, Sorry for replying late. Can you please check that you have this directory in your installation ?


resnow92 commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for your response. Yes I have the directory you mentioned.

Screenshot from 2019-06-13 09-22-02 Screenshot from 2019-06-13 09-24-54

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Hi, OK, I think I know where the error comes from. I run prepare_dtm from the prepare_dtm folder. There is a relative path in the code, that should be fixed. shapefile = "land_polygons_osm/simplified_land_polygons.shp" As a workaround until I correct it, please run the code from the prepare_dtm folder. Olivier

resnow92 commented 5 years ago

Many thanks it is working. For information I also noticed that I need to move the DTM files freshly created in the GIPP directory. Otherwise I have an error saying that DTM doesn't exist. For the moment I move manually the files.

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Good news, I will fix that as soon as I get 30 clear minutes. The DTM should be stored in a DTM/ folder within start_maja folder. Olivier

resnow92 commented 5 years ago

Yes I know that DTM have to be stored in Start_Maja/DTM/ but it is not working. It is working only when i move the dtm files in GIPP directory.

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

This is strange. Would you have an example of command, folders.txt and error message ? Olivier

resnow92 commented 5 years ago

the command for dtm is: python /data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/ -k /data/MAJA_to_Run/TempFile_MAJA/kml_grid_tiles/S2A_OPER_GIP_TILPAR_MPC__20151209T095117_V20150622T000000_21000101T000000_B00.kml -g 28QCD -s /data/MAJA_to_Run/srtm_water_forMAja/srtm -w /data/MAJA_to_Run/srtm_water_forMAja/swbd -o /data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/DTM/28QCD

the commands for Maja is : python /data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/ -f /data/MAJA_to_Run/Start-MAJA/folders.txt -g GIPP_S2_MAJA_3.3_TM -l LUT_MAJA_3_TM_CAMS -t 28QCD -s TEST -d 20170101 -e 20171231

attached capture of error message and folder.txt Screenshot from 2019-06-13 18-00-28 Screenshot from 2019-06-13 18-04-32

I have this error when dtm files are by defeult in /FTM folder. But Maja working well when i move these files in GIPP directory.

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Thanks for all this, I guess I have all what is needed to search for the error. By the way, I see that you are using only three images in backward mode, our recommendation is 8 (But maybe was it only for test purposes and you know that already). And all the images should be included, including the cloudy ones. The more frequent the images, the better results. Olivier

resnow92 commented 5 years ago

Even image completly cloudy ? Because I download images with a cloud cover threshold depending of the application. Thanks for your help and to take a moment to have a look on the error mentioned.

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Images completely cloudy are not necessary, but the L1C cloud cover rate is not very accurate. I find it easier to download everything and let MAJA decide what is a cloud.

resnow92 commented 5 years ago

Ok thanks for your advice.

RubenValDin commented 5 years ago

Hello Olivier,

I am having the same problem I had a couple of months ago. In this case, I am running Start-MAJA within a Dockerfile and I am getting the error with the missing file.

python /home/gaiascope/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/ -k /home/gaiascope/S2A_OPER_GIP_TILPAR_MPC__20151209T095117_V20150622T000000_21000101T000000_B00.kml -g 31UCU -s /home/gaiascope/DTM_SWBD/Creation/SRTM -w /home/gaiascope/DTM_SWBD/Creation/Water -o /out/DTM_SWBD/DTMOut
Archive:  /home/gaiascope/DTM_SWBD/Creation/Water/
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e000n52e.dbf  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e000n52e.shp  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e000n52e.shx  
   creating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/Documents/
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/Documents/Readme File SRTM Water Body Data.doc  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/Documents/SRTM Edit Rules v2.0 12 Mar 03.doc  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/Documents/SWBD Product Specific Guidance v2.0 12 Mar 03jas.doc  
Archive:  /home/gaiascope/DTM_SWBD/Creation/Water/
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e000n53e.dbf  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e000n53e.shp  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e000n53e.shx  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/Documents/Readme File SRTM Water Body Data.doc  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/Documents/SRTM Edit Rules v2.0 12 Mar 03.doc  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/Documents/SWBD Product Specific Guidance v2.0 12 Mar 03jas.doc  
Archive:  /home/gaiascope/DTM_SWBD/Creation/Water/
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e001n52e.dbf  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e001n52e.shp  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e001n52e.shx  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/Documents/Readme File SRTM Water Body Data.doc  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/Documents/SRTM Edit Rules v2.0 12 Mar 03.doc  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/Documents/SWBD Product Specific Guidance v2.0 12 Mar 03jas.doc  
Archive:  /home/gaiascope/DTM_SWBD/Creation/SRTM/
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/readme.txt  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/srtm_37_02.hdr  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/srtm_37_02.tfw  
  inflating: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/srtm_37_02.tif  
Creating output file that is 6001P x 6001L.
Processing input file /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/srtm_37_02.tif.
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
0Warning 1: The output raster dataset has a SRS, but the input vector layer SRS is unknown.
Ensure input vector has the same SRS, otherwise results might be incorrect.
...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
0Warning 1: The output raster dataset has a SRS, but the input vector layer SRS is unknown.
Ensure input vector has the same SRS, otherwise results might be incorrect.
...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
Warning 1: The output raster dataset has a SRS, but the input vector layer SRS is unknown.
Ensure input vector has the same SRS, otherwise results might be incorrect.
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gaiascope/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/", line 326, in <module>, args.tempout)
  File "/home/gaiascope/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/", line 286, in run
Found SRTM zip-archives...
Found Water zip-archives...
Processing with GranuleID
Working directory: /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS
('/home/gaiascope/DTM_SWBD/Creation/SRTM', '/tmp/31UCUIJtfUS', '/home/gaiascope/DTM_SWBD/Creation/Water', '/tmp/31UCUIJtfUS')
[37, 2]
[37, 2]
((0.00476092508203617, 53.211977826146494, 0.0), (1.678544065017885, 52.255150748300906, 0.0))
([37, 2], [37, 2])
((0.00476092508203617, 53.211977826146494, 0.0), (1.678544065017885, 52.255150748300906, 0.0))
([0, 53], [1, 52])
('longitudes', 0, 1)
('latitudes', 52, 53)
('center coordinates', [[0.5, 52.5], [0.5, 53.5], [1.5, 52.5], [1.5, 53.5]])
['e000n52', 'e000n53', 'e001n52', 'e001n53']
('liste_fic_mnt', ['srtm_37_02.tif'])
FIC: srtm_37_02.tif
(<type 'str'>, <type 'str'>)
gdalwarp  -r cubic -srcnodata -32767 -dstnodata 0  /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/srtm_37_02.tif /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/srtm_37_02nodata0.tif

('#############Fichier eau :', '/tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e000n52e.shp')
gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l e000n52e /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e000n52e.shp /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/srtm_37_02_tmp.tif
('#############Fichier eau :', '/tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e000n53e.shp')
gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l e000n53e /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e000n53e.shp /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/srtm_37_02_tmp.tif
('#############Fichier eau :', '/tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e001n52e.shp')
gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l e001n52e /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/e001n52e.shp /tmp/31UCUIJtfUS/tmppEF9O7/srtm_37_02_tmp.tif
('missing SWBD watr file : ', 'e001n53')
    water_zipped = self.WaterZipped)
  File "/home/gaiascope/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/../prepare_dtm/", line 203, in run
    calcul_masque_eau_mnt, working_dir=working_dir)
  File "/home/gaiascope/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/../prepare_dtm/", line 524, in fusion_mnt
    land = TestLand(liste_centre_eau[i][0], liste_centre_eau[i][1])
  File "/home/gaiascope/Start-MAJA/prepare_dtm/../prepare_dtm/", line 57, in TestLand
    layer = dataSource.GetLayer()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetLayer'

The area I am covering is close to the coast (see screenshot): image

I am wondering if you have run MAJA with Dockerfiles, if so, do you know why this is happening?

Thanks Ruben

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Hi Ruben, is not well written, and some paths to find auxiliary data to fill the gaps in SWBD are provided in relative to where the execution is launched. I should correct that but did not have time so far.

I think you would get a better result with:

cd /home/gaiascope/Start-MAJA/preparedtm/ -k /home/gaiascope/S2A....

Best regards, Olivier

RubenValDin commented 5 years ago

Hi Olivier,

Thank you very much. I changed to cd and then run the python script as per your suggestion and it worked.

Regards Ruben

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Good news !