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Error of file path in (extracting .zip in #18

Open EkicierNico opened 5 years ago

EkicierNico commented 5 years ago

There is an error on the building of path during extraction of .zip file. Actually, the extraction create a folder with the same name of the .zip, and when you make a merge (line 486 for example), this folder is forgotten. Thus, the script does not find the right file.

You can see below the console return :

ERROR : /mnt/data_netapp/raster/monde/Perou/SRTM/srtm_21_14.tif Archive: /mnt/data_netapp/raster/monde/Perou/SRTM/ creating: /tmp/18MUSp0z_hpbk/tmp063det8b/srtm_21_14/ inflating: /tmp/18MUSp0z_hpbk/tmp063det8b/srtm_21_14/srtm_21_14.tif.aux.xml
inflating: /tmp/18MUSp0z_hpbk/tmp063det8b/srtm_21_14/readme.txt
inflating: /tmp/18MUSp0z_hpbk/tmp063det8b/srtm_21_14/srtm_21_14.hdr
inflating: /tmp/18MUSp0z_hpbk/tmp063det8b/srtm_21_14/srtm_21_14.tfw
inflating: /tmp/18MUSp0z_hpbk/tmp063det8b/srtm_21_14/srtm_21_14.tif
gdalwarp -r cubic -srcnodata -32767 -dstnodata 0 /tmp/18MUSp0z_hpbk/tmp063det8b/srtm_21_14.tif /tmp/18MUSp0z_hpbk/tmp063det8b/srtm_21_14nodata0.tif

ERROR 4: /tmp/18MUSp0z_hpbk/tmp063det8b/srtm_21_14.tif: No such file or directory ERROR 4: /tmp/18MUSp0z_hpbk/tmp063det8b/srtm_21_14.tif: No such file or directory

olivierhagolle commented 5 years ago

Hi, I guess I have taken too long to reply, but did you keep the command line that generates this error ? So that I can test ? Olivier

EkicierNico commented 5 years ago

Hi, I use MAJA in a docker so the history is not kept, but the command line was something like this :

python3 -z -f folders.txt -g GIPP_S2AS2B_xxx -l LUT_S2AS2B_xxx -t 18MUS -s 18MUS -d 20180101 -e 20190601

I made a correction on my pull request in to manage the error, you can see it.

Thanks a lot Nicolas