Level-2A processor used for atmospheric correction and cloud-detection. The active repository is the one below, this one is kept to leave access to the older issues.
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Error during installation #48

Closed saberioon closed 4 years ago

saberioon commented 4 years ago

When I'm trying to install MAJA 3.3.2_TM on my openSUSE Leap 15.1 I received this error

Verifying archive integrity... 100% Error in MD5 checksums: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e is different from 132ddb47e68a365ea7e12b8c837a71e9

I'm not sure, what cause this error, but a quick search suggests that the bash file is corrupted !

Do you have any suggestion, How to fix it ?

petket-5 commented 4 years ago


Did you try downloading the archive again?

Kind regards, Peter

saberioon commented 4 years ago

Yes, I have tried two times, but gave me the same error

petket-5 commented 4 years ago

This error does not seem to be related to maja itself, but rather the packaging mechanism. On top I don't have an openSUSE machine around here.

We are using makeself to create the .run file. You can find some help here: