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waveform-gliss engine #65

Closed EdmundCampion closed 8 years ago

EdmundCampion commented 9 years ago

Build a waveform glissing engine (to be called "glisstool") that is packaged in a poly~ or other polyphonic routine and capable of few to many hundreds of sinusoids. I imagine it is cycle~ based and capable of receiving different wave shapes

Single voice of waveform-gliss:

Duration info:


Special parameter:

The second midi note in a pair never contains any special parameter change -- it only signals the destination frequency and signals the voice to start moving toward the destination.

Score / Performance:

Overall, one way to "score" this instrument is to use Logic or Finale to write the score and then perform the instrument.

equilet commented 9 years ago

This was never another issue. Working on a 1st rev now...

EdmundCampion commented 9 years ago

following testing of the first rev.

• need version that does not depend on held note, but just pairs notes to voices in order they are received.

• There is a gain scaling problem when two or more voices are activated. The thing clips and the output is distorted waveform.

• implement midi-cents

equilet commented 9 years ago

the gain scaling is just a result of the tanh~ object in the patch. if the notes should be softer, we can just multiply as needed within the poly~ voice.

equilet commented 9 years ago

submitted a 2nd edition for review and testing.

equilet commented 8 years ago

this can be put into the depot after Ed approves the current revision...