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samplemixer updates #79

Open equilet opened 7 years ago

equilet commented 7 years ago

From @EdmundCampion

There is a problem with the LOOP MODE and Waveform Seleciton. It really involves two separate things that need to be clarified. 1) selecting portion of audio in waveform window for playback, and 2) looping the selected portion of audio)

I think the simple solution is to add a feature to groovewrap that "clears" selection -- this will return the selection in the waveform window to playback complete waveform, and it will zero out the loop numbers.

Then, for the Loop mode part

LOOP MODE -- The LOOP MODE toggle outside the groovewrap (samplemixer patch) should just be a global on/off. Each groovewrap should always show the Loop Mode state with the default Loop/Selection Mode state OFF.

GAIN SLIDER PROBLEM: The gain slider has been adjusted with more headroom. This makes the audio output when moving the gain slider to half-position already mostly inaudible (-69). See if you can improve on the gain function in terms of visual length of slider and overall gain perception.

MP3 enabled? Can we upgrade groovewrap to allow for MP3 without any time spent on it?

Move the "clear" message to just below the "drop folder containing soundfiles" window. and change text to "clear all soundfiles from memory.

When checked, the groovewrap Loop Mode should work just as it does -- the window selection is enabled default playback always being "play the entire file whenever play is initiated.