CNMAT's expanding library of Max/MSP/Jitter patches
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piecemaker integration #9

Open equilet opened 9 years ago

equilet commented 9 years ago

A number of elements exist in the piecemaker tutorials that specify performance-critical best practices

DAC status visibility DSP open any setup for DSP wiring to outputs midi i/o port assignment verification / selection other i/o verification / selection debug initialization

what is your driver io mapping speaker assignments

equilet commented 7 years ago

@EdmundCampion I'm not sure what the action item is on this anymore... there seem to be two options here:

  1. update piecemaker tutorials to meet current views on best practices
  2. attempt to put the various items listed above into the entirety of the depot

The latter seems unnecessary, if we're to more towards depot 2.0.

Let me know what your thoughts are...

EdmundCampion commented 7 years ago

let's review in person