CNMAT / Music-and-Computing

Materials built for MUS158A, MUS158B (B is only io area of patchers)
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amp discussion #56

Open equilet opened 7 years ago

equilet commented 7 years ago

Let's get together to discuss the various options for the amps and transducers. My idea is that the APA100 isn't wasted if we go with another option, and that we could theoretically take out the filters if need be.

A simplified option for the kits would be to

  1. still use the pm-150
  2. use a different (class D) amplifier, obtainable for cheap via parts express
  3. take out the filter

This way the whole setup drops considerably in size and weight, no sharp edges, and we can fit more objects into the bins... Then we could focus on pertinent matters such as proper casing and padding for the kit so that it's more portable, less fragile.

There are many other options we could try out, this is simply an initial discussion point.

equilet commented 7 years ago

Here's a passive attenuator that can reduce the overall voltage being sent to the amps:

equilet commented 7 years ago
