CNMAT / Music-and-Computing

Materials built for MUS158A, MUS158B (B is only io area of patchers)
6 stars 3 forks source link

rename repository? #61

Open ramagottfried opened 7 years ago

ramagottfried commented 7 years ago

we'd like to release M158 publicly soonish, so: we need a (catchy) better name!

equilet commented 7 years ago


Sound and Music computing with CNMAT technologies

equilet commented 7 years ago


EdmundCampion commented 7 years ago

Sound and Music Computing (Courses) (I kind of like the thing to announce itself for those people who will be searching for it on Github without going through our website).

Download packages called: CNMAT SMC Intro Course, CNMAT SMC Situated Instrument Design Course, CNMAT Music Now Course, CNMAT Spectral Objects Course, etc..

Then create a separate Repo

Sound and Music Computing (Tools) to hold the newly forming Depot. Call download package CNMAT-SMC Tools