CNMAT / Music-and-Computing

Materials built for MUS158A, MUS158B (B is only io area of patchers)
6 stars 3 forks source link QUNEO /pad behaviour #98

Closed Pulmunen11 closed 5 years ago

Pulmunen11 commented 5 years ago


When one has pressed the pads on the QuNeo and then releases, the ' QUNEO' gives 63 as the value in all x and y pad addresses. For example /pad/01/x --> 63. This might be the default value that the QuNeo itself gives, right?

screen shot 2018-09-20 at 12 37 33

This is a problem in that way, that if we map frequency of a resonator to the y-value of the pad, the second we lift finger from the pad, the value returns to 63, which gives annoying glissandos to the resonator sound. It is difficult to try to filter this behaviour out with, say z-values or velocity. I'd be very happy if someone had an easy solution to this problem.

Thanks! ~ Maija

ramagottfried commented 5 years ago

hi maija! sounds like a continuous vs discrete controller design issue ... if you want to "lock" the frequency to a value one you find it on the pad, I'd maybe try using a second button (or maybe a sustain pedal?) to trigger a "save" of that value until you press the store button again...

but then what do you do if you start playing again after locking the note? maybe when you release the lock it could slide smoothly to the currently performed value, or something like that? just thinking out loud, sounds fun: )

cheers! rama

ramagottfried commented 5 years ago

oh! or, if you use the z-value, you could use a certain z-threshold to lock the pitch, and then you could regain control of the pitch by pressing past that z-threshold again.

equilet commented 5 years ago

Hi all - I believe that there is a way to address this more directly in the HW config itself, but I have to check with a quneo when I get home. Basically, the editor allows for some options for the value in a resting state. I had a couple of other students ask about this last semester and never remembered to file an issue. So thank you @Pulmunen11 for bringing this up again!

Soon, jml

Pulmunen11 commented 5 years ago


Great to hear from you Rama! Those are interesting suggestions. And I think the students might want to do that in their composition. Like sustaining a sound with pressing another key --> great idea! (And by the way, it is super helpful to have all the material that you created for the 158A. I truly appreciate it very much!)

I think the QuNeo pad x and y going to 63 happens when the pressure (z) gets released to a certain amount or maybe at a certain speed(?), but not when z is 0. It happens before that. So this poses yet another problem.

Hoping to be able to tackle this problem with the hardware setup. So yeah, Jeff, we'll hopefully have a QuNeo installation party coming up!

Thank you all!

~ Maija

equilet commented 5 years ago

OK, I just verified that yes, this return setting can be changed.
Load the QuNeo Editor, click on the various pads, and update the X Return and Y Return values. When you click the down arrow of those values past zero, a "latch" option appears. If you select this option for all pads, the QuNeo then functions the way that @Pulmunen11 was expecting.

You can then save this as a preset from there and use it to load into the other QuNeos.

equilet commented 5 years ago

Worth mentioning that you'll want to save the preset after editing, and then use the "Update preset" option, which updates it on the device itself.

equilet commented 5 years ago

@Pulmunen11 @dappertutto - do you want to get together soon to update all of these? Would it make sense to meet in Wheeler and update them all at once? I would personally prefer M/Th/F but I cannot do it this particular Friday.

EdmundCampion commented 5 years ago

Let's get this into a routine that can be repeated for next offerings of 158A. I wonder if we can easily write a max patch that accomplishes the same -- i.e. bypass the editor

Pulmunen11 commented 5 years ago

@equilet I'd be very happy to go to Wheeler to update the QuNeos! So, would Monday still work for you?

And thanks a lot for looking into the problem.

equilet commented 5 years ago

Hi again - It looks like walk-in lab hours for Wheeler open up at 2pm on Mondays. Because of this not lining up with your schedule, I can go with Andrew Harlan to update them if you like? It's no trouble.

equilet commented 5 years ago

Hi @Pulmunen11

I reprogrammed all of the quneos today w/ Andrew Harlan; we tested them in Wheeler and all seemed fine, but I would love to have someone else's eyes on it just to be sure.

After you have your next lab session: If the issue is addressed, feel free to close this.

Pulmunen11 commented 5 years ago

Hi @equilet

That's great! Thank you so much for doing this.

Most of the QuNeos worked in the right way, but some of them were working in a very weird way.

Some weird behaviour:

I tested them all and here are the QuNeos that still are not functioning in correct way: NODE 7702 7680 7717 7683 7699 7712 7708

They are in one pile with pink tape around them at 210 Wheeler. My students are making their Project 1 this week and the QuNeos really have to be up and running for them.

Best, ~ Maija

equilet commented 5 years ago

I won't be able to get to it so best to contact @EdmundCampion and @andrewharlan1 Andrew helped me update the devices and is familiar with the process. He can work with you to update the remaining devices and test them.

equilet commented 5 years ago

Some weird behaviour: /x and /y still reseting to 63, nothing coming in for /velocity

Which pad(s)?

equilet commented 5 years ago

@andrewharlan1 it could be the case that the nodes Maija is mentioning still require a firmware update, so you could try that first.

Pulmunen11 commented 5 years ago

Hi @equilet,

The problems occurred on all pads as far as I know. I was running out of time while testing them, but my estimate is that there were consistently similar problems between all of the 7 devices.

I have a full week this week with lots of deadlines. We'll just have to manage with those 2 remaining QuNeo's for now and try to fix it next week.

Best, ~ Maija

equilet commented 5 years ago

Yes, deadlines on my end too. Let's adjourn until next week, and in the meantime we'll see what Andrew can help with.

andrewharlan1 commented 5 years ago

Hi all,

To echo what I've said in the email chain - I can meet tomorrow from 4-5pm to try and fix the firmware update on the quneos or on Thursday morning before the class begins. If this is necessary please email me the code to the padlock so I can get into the locker.

All best, Andrew

dappertutto commented 5 years ago

Andrew, I'm afraid I can't come to help you today. If nobody is able to join you, do you think you can do this on your own?

Pulmunen11 commented 5 years ago


You're so sweet! Thanks for offering. Would it still be possible for you to join me on Th morning at 9 am? The doors to 210 Wheeler should open then and I have office hours until 9.40. If we can't make them work in that time, you're welcome to stay during the lecture as well. That is, if you have time. I'd be very happy to collaborate on this with you.


~ Maija

andrewharlan1 commented 5 years ago

Hi Maija and David,

I fixed the 7 additional QuNeo's this afternoon! Not sure what happened with those 7 exactly, but I updated the firmware on all and re-loaded the latch preset, at which point they began working normally. They should all be set, but please let me know if you run into issues again.

Pulmunen11 commented 5 years ago

@andrewharlan1 thank you so much for updating the QuNeo's! Everything seems to be in order.

Thank you all for collaborating on this one. We have a much more functional controller.

Closing the issue.