OSC: Arduino and Teensy implementation of OSC encoding
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Unable to control LED on Teensy 3.1 from SerialOscuino.pd #18

Open mileshiroo opened 10 years ago

mileshiroo commented 10 years ago


I am unable control the LED on my Teensy 3.1 from SerialOscuino.pd using the LED toggle.

These are the two sketches I tried running on the Teensy: SerialOscuinowithBundles and SerialOscuinowithMessages.

I also tried controlling the LED pin 13 by attaching the message /d/13 $1 to a toggle. This also didn't work.

I get no complaints from the Pd console, which outputs [comport] opened serial line device 4 (/dev/tty.usbmodem392441) whenever I send devicename /dev/tty.usbmodem392441, baud 9600, pollintervall 1 to it.

Thanks, Miles

TrippyLighting commented 10 years ago

You may get a quicker response in the Teensy forum. It is very active and the user base is quite advanced thus very knowledgeable:

It already has an OSC thread and while not very active it may serve you better:

adrianfreed commented 10 years ago

I can't reproduce this problem from Max/MSP. I will try with the PD version soon.