In document 7 of the dev fold, the corpus contains the entity
[1004, 1022): 'Boxing Association' / ORG
We currently mark this as a "Span" type error, with the corrected span being
[993, 1022): 'Panamanian Boxing Association'
This correction appears to be not correct, based on looking through Wikipedia. There does not appear to be any organization called the "Panamanian Boxing Association". The organization that document refers to looks to be the World Boxing Association. The World Boxing Association is based in Panama; see
In document 7 of the dev fold, the corpus contains the entity
We currently mark this as a "Span" type error, with the corrected span being
This correction appears to be not correct, based on looking through Wikipedia. There does not appear to be any organization called the "Panamanian Boxing Association". The organization that document refers to looks to be the World Boxing Association. The World Boxing Association is based in Panama; see