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Natural language processing support for Pandas dataframes.
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Exception Error in parsing some of the watson NLU's parsed results #177

Open Monireh2 opened 3 years ago

Monireh2 commented 3 years ago


I am getting the "The following span(s) did not align with the end offset of any token" exception when parsing following watson nlu responses:

Review:{'usage': {'text_units': 1, 'text_characters': 61, 'features': 5}, 'syntax': {'tokens': [{'text': '2003', 'part_of_speech': 'NUM', 'location': [0, 4]}, {'text': 'Conversion', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [5, 15], 'lemma': 'conversion'}, {'text': 'Van', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [16, 19], 'lemma': 'van'}, {'text': ':', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [19, 20], 'lemma': ':'}, {'text': 'This', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [21, 25], 'lemma': 'this'}, {'text': 'is', 'part_of_speech': 'AUX', 'location': [26, 28], 'lemma': 'be'}, {'text': 'a', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [29, 30], 'lemma': 'a'}, {'text': 'left', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [31, 35], 'lemma': 'leave'}, {'text': 'over', 'part_of_speech': 'ADP', 'location': [36, 40], 'lemma': 'over'}, {'text': 'new', 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ', 'location': [41, 44], 'lemma': 'new'}, {'text': 'van', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [45, 48], 'lemma': 'van'}, {'text': '.', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [48, 49]}, {'text': 'Great', 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ', 'location': [50, 55], 'lemma': 'great'}, {'text': 'deal', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [56, 60], 'lemma': 'deal'}], 'sentences': [{'text': '2003 Conversion Van: This is a left over new van.', 'location': [0, 49]}, {'text': 'Great deal ', 'location': [50, 61]}]}, 'semantic_roles': [{'subject': {'text': 'This'}, 'sentence': '2003 Conversion Van: This is a left over new van.', 'object': {'text': 'a left over new van'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'be', 'tense': 'present'}, 'text': 'is', 'normalized': 'be'}}], 'relations': [], 'language': 'en', 'keywords': [{'text': 'Great deal', 'sentiment': {'score': 0.969212, 'label': 'positive'}, 'relevance': 0.994992, 'emotion': {'sadness': 0.044633, 'joy': 0.745716, 'fear': 0.060642, 'disgust': 0.014482, 'anger': 0.041946}, 'count': 1}, {'text': 'Conversion Van', 'sentiment': {'score': -0.60096, 'label': 'negative'}, 'relevance': 0.968893, 'emotion': {'sadness': 0.475602, 'joy': 0.117964, 'fear': 0.021679, 'disgust': 0.209927, 'anger': 0.115358}, 'count': 1}, {'text': 'new van', 'sentiment': {'score': -0.60096, 'label': 'negative'}, 'relevance': 0.131099, 'emotion': {'sadness': 0.475602, 'joy': 0.117964, 'fear': 0.021679, 'disgust': 0.209927, 'anger': 0.115358}, 'count': 1}], 'entities': [{'type': 'Person', 'text': 'Conversion Van', 'sentiment': {'score': -0.60096, 'label': 'negative'}, 'relevance': 0.978348, 'mentions': [{'text': 'Conversion Van', 'location': [5, 19], 'confidence': 0.402925}], 'count': 1, 'confidence': 0.402925}], 'analyzed_text': '2003 Conversion Van: This is a left over new van. Great deal '}
Error Message: The following span(s) did not align with the end offset
of any token:
   span_index  span_begin  span_end
1           1          50        61

Review:{'usage': {'text_units': 1, 'text_characters': 729, 'features': 5}, 'syntax': {'tokens': [{'text': 'The', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [0, 3], 'lemma': 'the'}, {'text': 'beauty', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [4, 10], 'lemma': 'beauty'}, {'text': 'can', 'part_of_speech': 'AUX', 'location': [11, 14], 'lemma': 'can'}, {'text': 'mask', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [15, 19], 'lemma': 'mask'}, {'text': 'anything', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [20, 28]}, {'text': ':', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [28, 29], 'lemma': ':'}, {'text': 'I', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [31, 32], 'lemma': 'I'}, {'text': 'am', 'part_of_speech': 'AUX', 'location': [33, 35], 'lemma': 'be'}, {'text': 'a', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [36, 37], 'lemma': 'a'}, {'text': 'mechanic', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [38, 46], 'lemma': 'mechanic'}, {'text': ',', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [46, 47]}, {'text': 'I', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [48, 49], 'lemma': 'I'}, {'text': 'bought', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [50, 56], 'lemma': 'buy'}, {'text': 'my', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [57, 59], 'lemma': 'my'}, {'text': '2006', 'part_of_speech': 'NUM', 'location': [60, 64]}, {'text': 'Dodge', 'part_of_speech': 'PROPN', 'location': [65, 70], 'lemma': 'dodge'}, {'text': 'Magnum', 'part_of_speech': 'PROPN', 'location': [71, 77], 'lemma': 'magnum'}, {'text': '3.5', 'part_of_speech': 'NUM', 'location': [78, 81]}, {'text': 'High', 'part_of_speech': 'PROPN', 'location': [82, 86], 'lemma': 'high'}, {'text': 'Output', 'part_of_speech': 'PROPN', 'location': [87, 93], 'lemma': 'output'}, {'text': 'AWD', 'part_of_speech': 'PROPN', 'location': [94, 97]}, {'text': 'a', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [98, 99], 'lemma': 'a'}, {'text': 'year', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [100, 104], 'lemma': 'year'}, {'text': 'ago', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [105, 108], 'lemma': 'ago'}, {'text': 'with', 'part_of_speech': 'ADP', 'location': [109, 113], 'lemma': 'with'}, {'text': '54,600', 'part_of_speech': 'NUM', 'location': [114, 120]}, {'text': 'miles', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [121, 126], 'lemma': 'mile'}, {'text': 'on', 'part_of_speech': 'ADP', 'location': [127, 129], 'lemma': 'on'}, {'text': 'it', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [130, 132], 'lemma': 'it'}, {'text': '.', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [132, 133]}, {'text': 'As', 'part_of_speech': 'ADP', 'location': [134, 136], 'lemma': 'as'}, {'text': 'always', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [137, 143], 'lemma': 'always'}, {'text': ',', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [143, 144]}, {'text': 'I', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [145, 146], 'lemma': 'I'}, {'text': 'performed', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [147, 156], 'lemma': 'perform'}, {'text': 'a', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [157, 158], 'lemma': 'a'}, {'text': 'full', 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ', 'location': [159, 163], 'lemma': 'full'}, {'text': 'vehicle', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [164, 171], 'lemma': 'vehicle'}, {'text': 'check', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [172, 177], 'lemma': 'check'}, {'text': 'on', 'part_of_speech': 'ADP', 'location': [178, 180], 'lemma': 'on'}, {'text': 'the', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [181, 184], 'lemma': 'the'}, {'text': 'car', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [185, 188], 'lemma': 'car'}, {'text': 'before', 'part_of_speech': 'SCONJ', 'location': [189, 195], 'lemma': 'before'}, {'text': 'purchasing', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [196, 206], 'lemma': 'purchase'}, {'text': 'it', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [207, 209], 'lemma': 'it'}, {'text': '.', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [209, 210]}, {'text': 'I', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [211, 212], 'lemma': 'I'}, {'text': 'loved', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [213, 218], 'lemma': 'love'}, {'text': 'this', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [219, 223], 'lemma': 'this'}, {'text': 'car', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [224, 227], 'lemma': 'car'}, {'text': ',', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [227, 228]}, {'text': 'it', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [229, 231], 'lemma': 'it'}, {'text': 'was', 'part_of_speech': 'AUX', 'location': [232, 235], 'lemma': 'be'}, {'text': 'fast', 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ', 'location': [236, 240], 'lemma': 'fast'}, {'text': 'fun', 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ', 'location': [241, 244], 'lemma': 'fun'}, {'text': ',', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [244, 245]}, {'text': 'elegant', 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ', 'location': [246, 253], 'lemma': 'elegant'}, {'text': ',', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [253, 254]}, {'text': 'and', 'part_of_speech': 'CCONJ', 'location': [255, 258], 'lemma': 'and'}, {'text': 'provided', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [259, 267], 'lemma': 'provide'}, {'text': 'everything', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [268, 278], 'lemma': 'everything'}, {'text': 'I', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [279, 280], 'lemma': 'I'}, {'text': 'needed', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [281, 287], 'lemma': 'need'}, {'text': ',', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [287, 288]}, {'text': 'at', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [289, 291], 'lemma': 'at'}, {'text': 'first', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [292, 297], 'lemma': 'first'}, {'text': '.', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [297, 298]}, {'text': 'Since', 'part_of_speech': 'SCONJ', 'location': [299, 304], 'lemma': 'since'}, {'text': 'I', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [305, 306], 'lemma': 'I'}, {'text': 'bought', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [307, 313], 'lemma': 'buy'}, {'text': 'it', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [314, 316], 'lemma': 'it'}, {'text': 'I', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [317, 318], 'lemma': 'I'}, {'text': 'have', 'part_of_speech': 'AUX', 'location': [319, 323], 'lemma': 'have'}, {'text': 'had', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [324, 327], 'lemma': 'have'}, {'text': 'numerous', 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ', 'location': [328, 336], 'lemma': 'numerous'}, {'text': 'mechanical', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [337, 347], 'lemma': 'mechanical'}, {'text': ',', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [347, 348]}, {'text': 'programing', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [349, 359]}, {'text': ',', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [359, 360]}, {'text': 'and', 'part_of_speech': 'CCONJ', 'location': [361, 364], 'lemma': 'and'}, {'text': 'electrical', 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ', 'location': [365, 375], 'lemma': 'electric'}, {'text': 'issues', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [376, 382], 'lemma': 'issue'}, {'text': 'currently', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [383, 392], 'lemma': 'currently'}, {'text': 'totaling', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [393, 401], 'lemma': 'total'}, {'text': 'to', 'part_of_speech': 'ADP', 'location': [402, 404], 'lemma': 'to'}, {'text': '$', 'part_of_speech': 'SYM', 'location': [405, 406]}, {'text': '4,500', 'part_of_speech': 'NUM', 'location': [406, 411]}, {'text': 'dollars', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [412, 419], 'lemma': 'dollar'}, {'text': '.', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [419, 420]}, {'text': 'Just', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [421, 425], 'lemma': 'just'}, {'text': 'to', 'part_of_speech': 'PART', 'location': [426, 428], 'lemma': 'to'}, {'text': 'give', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [429, 433], 'lemma': 'give'}, {'text': 'an', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [434, 436], 'lemma': 'a'}, {'text': 'idea', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [437, 441], 'lemma': 'idea'}, {'text': ',', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [441, 442]}, {'text': 'at', 'part_of_speech': 'ADP', 'location': [443, 445], 'lemma': 'at'}, {'text': '70,000', 'part_of_speech': 'NUM', 'location': [446, 452]}, {'text': 'miles', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [453, 458], 'lemma': 'mile'}, {'text': 'my', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [459, 461], 'lemma': 'my'}, {'text': 'throttle', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [462, 470], 'lemma': 'throttle'}, {'text': 'just', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [471, 475], 'lemma': 'just'}, {'text': 'went', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [476, 480], 'lemma': 'go'}, {'text': 'out', 'part_of_speech': 'ADP', 'location': [481, 484], 'lemma': 'out'}, {'text': '(', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [485, 486]}, {'text': 'this', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [486, 490], 'lemma': 'this'}, {'text': 'is', 'part_of_speech': 'AUX', 'location': [491, 493], 'lemma': 'be'}, {'text': "n't", 'part_of_speech': 'PART', 'location': [493, 496], 'lemma': 'not'}, {'text': 'included', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [497, 505], 'lemma': 'include'}, {'text': 'in', 'part_of_speech': 'SCONJ', 'location': [506, 508], 'lemma': 'in'}, {'text': 'what', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [509, 513], 'lemma': 'what'}, {'text': 'I', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [514, 515], 'lemma': 'I'}, {'text': 'have', 'part_of_speech': 'AUX', 'location': [516, 520], 'lemma': 'have'}, {'text': 'already', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [521, 528], 'lemma': 'already'}, {'text': 'spent', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [529, 534], 'lemma': 'spend'}, {'text': ')', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [534, 535]}, {'text': 'and', 'part_of_speech': 'CCONJ', 'location': [536, 539], 'lemma': 'and'}, {'text': 'I', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [540, 541], 'lemma': 'I'}, {'text': 'now', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [542, 545], 'lemma': 'now'}, {'text': 'have', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [546, 550], 'lemma': 'have'}, {'text': 'to', 'part_of_speech': 'PART', 'location': [551, 553], 'lemma': 'to'}, {'text': 'replace', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [554, 561], 'lemma': 'replace'}, {'text': 'the', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [562, 565], 'lemma': 'the'}, {'text': 'entire', 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ', 'location': [566, 572], 'lemma': 'entire'}, {'text': 'intake', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [573, 579], 'lemma': 'intake'}, {'text': 'system', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [580, 586], 'lemma': 'system'}, {'text': 'which', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [587, 592], 'lemma': 'which'}, {'text': 'is', 'part_of_speech': 'AUX', 'location': [593, 595], 'lemma': 'be'}, {'text': 'going', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [596, 601], 'lemma': 'go'}, {'text': 'to', 'part_of_speech': 'PART', 'location': [602, 604], 'lemma': 'to'}, {'text': 'cost', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [605, 609], 'lemma': 'cost'}, {'text': 'around', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [610, 616], 'lemma': 'around'}, {'text': '$', 'part_of_speech': 'SYM', 'location': [617, 618]}, {'text': '2,200', 'part_of_speech': 'NUM', 'location': [618, 623]}, {'text': '(', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [624, 625]}, {'text': 'these', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [625, 630], 'lemma': 'this'}, {'text': 'costs', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [631, 636], 'lemma': 'cost'}, {'text': 'do', 'part_of_speech': 'AUX', 'location': [637, 639], 'lemma': 'do'}, {'text': "n't", 'part_of_speech': 'PART', 'location': [639, 642], 'lemma': 'not'}, {'text': 'include', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [643, 650], 'lemma': 'include'}, {'text': 'mechanics', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [651, 660], 'lemma': 'mechanic'}, {'text': 'fees', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [661, 665], 'lemma': 'fee'}, {'text': ',', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [665, 666]}, {'text': 'which', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [667, 672], 'lemma': 'which'}, {'text': 'will', 'part_of_speech': 'AUX', 'location': [673, 677], 'lemma': 'will'}, {'text': 'potentially', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [678, 689], 'lemma': 'potentially'}, {'text': 'double', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [690, 696], 'lemma': 'double'}, {'text': 'the', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [697, 700], 'lemma': 'the'}, {'text': 'costs', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [701, 706], 'lemma': 'cost'}, {'text': ')', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [706, 707]}, {'text': '*', 'part_of_speech': 'PUNCT', 'location': [708, 709]}, {'text': 'A', 'part_of_speech': 'DET', 'location': [709, 710], 'lemma': 'a'}, {'text': 'battery', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [711, 718], 'lemma': 'battery'}, {'text': 'cost', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [719, 723], 'lemma': 'cost'}, {'text': '$', 'part_of_speech': 'SYM', 'location': [724, 725]}, {'text': '300', 'part_of_speech': 'NUM', 'location': [725, 728]}], 'sentences': [{'text': 'The beauty can mask anything:  I am a mechanic, I bought my 2006 Dodge Magnum 3.5 High Output AWD a year ago with 54,600 miles on it.', 'location': [0, 133]}, {'text': 'As always, I performed a full vehicle check on the car before purchasing it.', 'location': [134, 210]}, {'text': 'I loved this car, it was fast fun, elegant, and provided everything I needed, at first.', 'location': [211, 298]}, {'text': 'Since I bought it I have had numerous mechanical, programing, and electrical issues currently totaling to $4,500 dollars.', 'location': [299, 420]}, {'text': "Just to give an idea, at 70,000 miles my throttle just went out (this isn't included in what I have already spent) and I now have to replace the entire intake system which is going to cost around $2,200 (these costs don't include mechanics fees, which will potentially double the costs) *A battery cost $300 ", 'location': [421, 729]}]}, 'semantic_roles': [{'subject': {'text': 'The beauty'}, 'sentence': 'The beauty can mask anything: I am a mechanic, I bought my 2006 Dodge Magnum 3.5 High Output AWD a year ago with 54,600 miles on it.', 'object': {'text': 'anything'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'mask', 'tense': 'future'}, 'text': 'can mask', 'normalized': 'can mask'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'I'}, 'sentence': 'The beauty can mask anything: I am a mechanic, I bought my 2006 Dodge Magnum 3.5 High Output AWD a year ago with 54,600 miles on it.', 'object': {'text': 'my 2006 Dodge Magnum 3.5 High Output AWD'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'buy', 'tense': 'past'}, 'text': 'bought', 'normalized': 'buy'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'I'}, 'sentence': ' As always, I performed a full vehicle check on the car before purchasing it.', 'object': {'text': 'a full vehicle check on the car'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'perform', 'tense': 'past'}, 'text': 'performed', 'normalized': 'perform'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'I'}, 'sentence': ' As always, I performed a full vehicle check on the car before purchasing it.', 'object': {'text': 'it'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'purchase', 'tense': 'present'}, 'text': 'purchasing', 'normalized': 'purchase'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'I'}, 'sentence': ' I loved this car, it was fast fun, elegant, and provided everything I needed, at first.', 'object': {'text': 'this car'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'love', 'tense': 'past'}, 'text': 'loved', 'normalized': 'love'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'I'}, 'sentence': ' I loved this car, it was fast fun, elegant, and provided everything I needed, at first.', 'object': {'text': 'everything I needed'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'provide', 'tense': 'past'}, 'text': 'provided', 'normalized': 'provide'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'I'}, 'sentence': ' I loved this car, it was fast fun, elegant, and provided everything I needed, at first.', 'object': {'text': 'everything'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'need', 'tense': 'past'}, 'text': 'needed', 'normalized': 'need'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'I'}, 'sentence': ' Since I bought it I have had numerous mechanical, programing, and electrical issues currently totaling to $4,500 dollars.', 'object': {'text': 'it I have had numerous mechanical, programing'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'buy', 'tense': 'past'}, 'text': 'bought', 'normalized': 'buy'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'I'}, 'sentence': ' Since I bought it I have had numerous mechanical, programing, and electrical issues currently totaling to $4,500 dollars.', 'object': {'text': 'numerous mechanical, programing, and electrical issues currently totaling to $4,500 dollars'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'have', 'tense': 'past'}, 'text': 'have had', 'normalized': 'have have'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'numerous mechanical, programing, and electrical issues'}, 'sentence': ' Since I bought it I have had numerous mechanical, programing, and electrical issues currently totaling to $4,500 dollars.', 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'total', 'tense': 'present'}, 'text': 'totaling', 'normalized': 'total'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'I'}, 'sentence': " Just to give an idea, at 70,000 miles my throttle just went out (this isn't included in what I have already spent) and I now have to replace the entire intake system which is going to cost around $2,200 (these costs don't include mechanics fees, which will potentially double the costs) *A battery cost $300", 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'spend', 'tense': 'past'}, 'text': 'spent', 'normalized': 'spend'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'I'}, 'sentence': " Just to give an idea, at 70,000 miles my throttle just went out (this isn't included in what I have already spent) and I now have to replace the entire intake system which is going to cost around $2,200 (these costs don't include mechanics fees, which will potentially double the costs) *A battery cost $300", 'object': {'text': 'the entire intake system which is going to cost around $2,200'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'replace', 'tense': 'future'}, 'text': 'have to replace', 'normalized': 'have to replace'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'the entire intake system'}, 'sentence': " Just to give an idea, at 70,000 miles my throttle just went out (this isn't included in what I have already spent) and I now have to replace the entire intake system which is going to cost around $2,200 (these costs don't include mechanics fees, which will potentially double the costs) *A battery cost $300", 'object': {'text': 'around $2,200'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'cost', 'tense': 'future'}, 'text': 'is going to cost', 'normalized': 'be go to cost'}}], 'relations': [{'type': 'participantIn', 'sentence': 'The beauty can mask anything:  I am a mechanic, I bought my 2006 Dodge Magnum 3.5 High Output AWD a year ago with 54,600 miles on it.', 'score': 0.861568, 'arguments': [{'text': 'my', 'location': [57, 59], 'entities': [{'type': 'Person', 'text': 'mechanic'}]}, {'text': 'Dodge', 'location': [65, 70], 'entities': [{'type': 'SportingEvent', 'text': 'Dodge'}]}]}, {'type': 'ownerOf', 'sentence': 'The beauty can mask anything:  I am a mechanic, I bought my 2006 Dodge Magnum 3.5 High Output AWD a year ago with 54,600 miles on it.', 'score': 0.513905, 'arguments': [{'text': 'my', 'location': [57, 59], 'entities': [{'type': 'Person', 'text': 'mechanic'}]}, {'text': 'Magnum', 'location': [71, 77], 'entities': [{'type': 'Vehicle', 'text': 'Magnum'}]}]}, {'type': 'timeOf', 'sentence': 'The beauty can mask anything:  I am a mechanic, I bought my 2006 Dodge Magnum 3.5 High Output AWD a year ago with 54,600 miles on it.', 'score': 0.87167, 'arguments': [{'text': '2006', 'location': [60, 64], 'entities': [{'type': 'Date', 'text': '2006'}]}, {'text': 'Dodge', 'location': [65, 70], 'entities': [{'type': 'SportingEvent', 'text': 'Dodge'}]}]}, {'type': 'locatedAt', 'sentence': 'I loved this car, it was fast fun, elegant, and provided everything I needed, at first.', 'score': 0.861498, 'arguments': [{'text': 'I', 'location': [211, 212], 'entities': [{'type': 'Person', 'text': 'mechanic'}]}, {'text': 'car', 'location': [224, 227], 'entities': [{'type': 'Vehicle', 'text': 'car'}]}]}], 'language': 'en', 'keywords': [{'text': 'entire intake system', 'sentiment': {'score': -0.466293, 'label': 'negative'}, 'relevance': 0.652973, 'emotion': {'sadness': 0.488662, 'joy': 0.030113, 'fear': 0.035499, 'disgust': 0.010938, 'anger': 0.124203}, 'count': 1}, {'text': 'full 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'$2,200', 'location': [617, 623], 'confidence': 0.8}], 'count': 1, 'confidence': 0.8}, {'type': 'Quantity', 'text': '$300', 'sentiment': {'score': 0, 'label': 'neutral'}, 'relevance': 0.004536, 'mentions': [{'text': '$300', 'location': [724, 728], 'confidence': 0.8}], 'count': 1, 'confidence': 0.8}], 'analyzed_text': "The beauty can mask anything:  I am a mechanic, I bought my 2006 Dodge Magnum 3.5 High Output AWD a year ago with 54,600 miles on it. As always, I performed a full vehicle check on the car before purchasing it. I loved this car, it was fast fun, elegant, and provided everything I needed, at first. Since I bought it I have had numerous mechanical, programing, and electrical issues currently totaling to $4,500 dollars. Just to give an idea, at 70,000 miles my throttle just went out (this isn't included in what I have already spent) and I now have to replace the entire intake system which is going to cost around $2,200 (these costs don't include mechanics fees, which will potentially double the costs) *A battery cost $300 "}
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'lemma': 'something'}, {'text': 'not', 'part_of_speech': 'ADV', 'location': [206, 209], 'lemma': 'not'}, {'text': 'to', 'part_of_speech': 'ADP', 'location': [210, 212], 'lemma': 'to'}, {'text': 'many', 'part_of_speech': 'ADJ', 'location': [213, 217], 'lemma': 'many'}, {'text': 'have', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [218, 222], 'lemma': 'have'}, {'text': 'and', 'part_of_speech': 'CCONJ', 'location': [223, 226], 'lemma': 'and'}, {'text': 'thats', 'part_of_speech': 'NOUN', 'location': [227, 232]}, {'text': 'impress', 'part_of_speech': 'VERB', 'location': [233, 240], 'lemma': 'impress'}, {'text': 'me', 'part_of_speech': 'PRON', 'location': [241, 243], 'lemma': 'I'}], 'sentences': [{'text': 'Unreal: i own a 2006 rt with the hemi and let me tell u it one heck of a car i couldnt complain on any day of the week cause in the end of them all i have my magnum to run to and with , dodge did something not to many have and thats impress me ', 'location': [0, 244]}]}, 'semantic_roles': [{'subject': {'text': 'i'}, 'sentence': 'Unreal: i own a 2006 rt with the hemi and let me tell u it one heck of a car i couldnt complain on any day of the week cause in the end of them all i have my magnum to run to and with , dodge did something not to many have and thats impress me', 'object': {'text': 'a 2006 rt with the hemi'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'own', 'tense': 'present'}, 'text': 'own', 'normalized': 'own'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'i'}, 'sentence': 'Unreal: i own a 2006 rt with the hemi and let me tell u it one heck of a car i couldnt complain on any day of the week cause in the end of them all i have my magnum to run to and with , dodge did something not to many have and thats impress me', 'object': {'text': 'me'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'let', 'tense': 'present'}, 'text': 'let', 'normalized': 'let'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'me'}, 'sentence': 'Unreal: i own a 2006 rt with the hemi and let me tell u it one heck of a car i couldnt complain on any day of the week cause 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{'text': 'my magnum'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'have', 'tense': 'present'}, 'text': 'have', 'normalized': 'have'}}, {'subject': {'text': 'dodge'}, 'sentence': 'Unreal: i own a 2006 rt with the hemi and let me tell u it one heck of a car i couldnt complain on any day of the week cause in the end of them all i have my magnum to run to and with , dodge did something not to many have and thats impress me', 'object': {'text': 'something'}, 'action': {'verb': {'text': 'do', 'tense': 'past'}, 'text': 'did', 'normalized': 'do'}}], 'relations': [{'type': 'locatedAt', 'sentence': 'Unreal: i own a 2006 rt with the hemi and let me tell u it one heck of a car i couldnt complain on any day of the week cause in the end of them all i have my magnum to run to and with , dodge did something not to many have and thats impress me', 'score': 0.884536, 'arguments': [{'text': 'me', 'location': [46, 48], 'entities': [{'type': 'Person', 'text': 'me'}]}, {'text': 'car', 'location': [73, 76], 'entities': 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'fear': 0.158524, 'disgust': 0.230978, 'anger': 0.404317}, 'count': 1}], 'entities': [{'type': 'Company', 'text': 'dodge', 'sentiment': {'score': -0.726222, 'label': 'negative'}, 'relevance': 0.978348, 'mentions': [{'text': 'dodge', 'location': [186, 191], 'confidence': 0.440236}], 'disambiguation': {'subtype': ['Organization', 'AwardWinner'], 'name': 'Dodge', 'dbpedia_resource': ''}, 'count': 1, 'confidence': 0.440236}], 'analyzed_text': 'Unreal: i own a 2006 rt with the hemi and let me tell u it one heck of a car i couldnt complain on any day of the week cause in the end of them all i have my magnum to run to and with , dodge did something not to many have and thats impress me '}
Error Message: The following span(s) did not align with the end offset
of any token:
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0           0           0       244

The Watson NLU features used:

            entities=nlu.EntitiesOptions(sentiment=True, mentions=True),
            keywords=nlu.KeywordsOptions(sentiment=True, emotion=True),
                                     tokens=nlu.SyntaxOptionsTokens(lemma=True, part_of_speech=True))
Monireh2 commented 3 years ago

Changing the NLU features to:

            keywords=nlu.KeywordsOptions(sentiment=True, emotion=True)

I am not getting any error.