CODAIT / text-extensions-for-pandas

Natural language processing support for Pandas dataframes.
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Improved HTML visualization of SpanArrays #201

Closed frreiss closed 2 years ago

frreiss commented 3 years ago

Add styles, HTML5 and JavaScript and make the display in SpanArray._repr_html_() more visually-appealing. Aim for a span visualization on par with the SpaCy entity visualizer. The HTML output from displacy.render() should serve as a good running example.

frreiss commented 3 years ago

FYI @pokkefe

frreiss commented 3 years ago

Note on testing and notebooks: Existing tests of Jupyter integration should cover most of these changes, and existing notebooks that display SpanArrays should provide demo material. Just make sure that PRs for this issue rerun the affected notebooks and update results for tests.