COGS118A / Group036-Wi23

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Project Checkpoint Feedback #6

Open poojapathak1725 opened 1 year ago

poojapathak1725 commented 1 year ago

Project Checkpoint Grade - 9/9

Title and Abstract(0.75/0.75) - Good - add which machine learning model(s) you plan to use for this problem.

Background (1/1) - Please fix intext citation formatting so they link to appropriate citations in the Footnotes. Otherwise - Good!

Problem Statement (1/1) - Good - but add which other algorithms you plan to explore in this section as well. We expect to see a compare/contrast of at least 3 models.

Data (1.25/1.25) - Clear and detailed - good work! You can include the data cleaning steps as code cells here. Add markdown cells in between explaining each step.

Proposed Solution (1.25/1.25)- Clearly state which algorithms you plan to use first - Gradient Boosting, DT, Logreg then mention train/test split, cross-validation techniques, hyperparameters etc. Otherwise OK.

Metrics (1.25/1.25) - Fix formatting on the mathematical formulae.

Preliminary Results (1.5/1.5) - First - conduct some preliminary EDA on your data - perhaps show some scatterplots/bar plots for numeric features, and correlation heatmaps to show the correlation between critical features and the target variable. Regarding Model Selection - Good! I would add markdown cells between each step to make it clear what you are accomplishing in the notebook - which variables you are dropping/not dropping etc. Analyze the confusion matrices, classification reports, etc. It's hard for me as a grader to follow comments in the code to see what exactly you are doing. You can also add a comprehensive table comparing model performance for different evaluation metrics (with variables/without variables) at the end. You could also do this per model as a summary. I see you've implemented Gradient Boosting and SVM - but in your proposed solution you mention DT and Logreg - fix this. Otherwise - great work!

Ethics and Privacy (0.5/0.5) - Good, keep adding to this section as you continue the analysis of your data.

Team Expectations (0.25/0.25) -

Timeline (0.25/0.25) -

Other Comments - Good work so far - you guys are on the right track :)

You can reply to this feedback below. Contact me anytime if you want help improving your project or have any questions at all!