Closed kiadso closed 3 years ago
I'm attempting to reproduce #131. I'm unable to find Merici as a provider. Maybe this data was added retrospectively in the merge of the new region because I'm not seeing it in my outdated dataset?
I think the part surrounded in asterisk marks should fix it, but since I am not able to reproduce I don't know for sure. It would need to be added in both the code for the datatable and infobox.
a <- utilizers_clients %>%
ProjectName == input$providerListUtilization,
served_between(., ReportStart, ReportEnd)
) %>%
mutate(BedStart = if_else(ProjectType %in% c(3, 9, 13),
MoveInDate, EntryDate),
PersonalID = as.character(PersonalID),
**across(.fns = ~dplyr::if_else(is.null(.x), 0 , .x))) %>%**
select(PersonalID, BedStart, ExitDate, all_of(y))
Thanks- solved.
I moved this code back into the Utilization script in COHHIO_HMIS instead of doing it in Rme, this way Rm and Rme both get utilizers_clients (and HH_utilizers) with 0s instead of nulls so that can be added neatly. Used your same code here mostly as is even though I tried using replace_na(0) but that didn't work. Here's what I wound up with:
mutate(across(starts_with("Month"), ~if_else(, 0, .x)))
Thanks again!
When you select a provider that has a client who has an Entry Date in one month and a Move in Date in another month and then you look at the month they entered (but didn't move in yet), the record pulls in with a null for '# of bed nights in [month]" This causes the infobox that's meant to calculate utilization to return "NA" when it should not.
To Reproduce
Expected behavior When this happens, the record should either not be there or it should show a 0 for # of bed nights
Strategy I can't just switch it to stayed_between() because there's no "EntryAdjust" in the utilizers_clients df. Could either add this or just overwrite the NA's with zeros and show the record, since they had entered that month.