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CIF definitions for powder diffraction
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Improve calibration metadata in pdCIF files #53

Closed rowlesmr closed 1 year ago

rowlesmr commented 1 year ago

Originating from

I think once this (in conjunctionwith #46) is fleshed out, it will deprecate PD_CALIB, PD_CALIB_STD, and potentially PD_CALIB_OFFSET


PD_CALIB_INTENSITY is a Loop category for intensity scaling. Its Loop as you need to be able to loop over all detectors. It's keyed on and _pd_calib_intensity.detector_id.

The category consists of:


PD_CALIB_WAVELENGTH is a Loop category for denoting the reference material from which the wavelength was determined (see also _diffrn_radiation_wavelength_determination). Its Loop as you may have multiple phases and diffractograms used in the calibration. It's keyed on

The category consists of:

Angle / x-ordinate

But how do we deal with angle? There currently exists PD_CALIB_OFFSET, but this can only record a constant offset of 2Th; you can't record TOF, energy, position etc offsets, or offsets that vary with x-ordinate (eg specimen displacement)

PD_CALIB_ANGLE (is a horrible name, as it should also work for TOF, ED, ...) is a Loop category for for angle calibration. Its Loop as you need to be able to loop over all detectors. It's keyed on and _pd_calib_angle.detector_id.

The category consists of:

rowlesmr commented 1 year ago

being addressed in #55

rowlesmr commented 1 year ago

OK, rereading PD_CALIB_OFFSET, and we can deal with non-constant offsets (eg specimen displacement) by enumerating a constand offset for every data point.


But how do we deal with the x-coordinate? There currently exists PD_CALIB_OFFSET, but this can only record a constant offset of 2Th (need to loop for non-constant offsets), and you can't record TOF or position offsets.

PD_CALIB_XCOORD is a Loop category for for x-coordinate calibration. Its Loop as you need to be able to loop over all detectors, as well as looping to provide an offset to every data point. It's keyed on and _pd_calib_angle.detector_id. Does _pd_calib_xcoord.point_id also need to be in there? It is able to record calibrations for 2theta, position, and TOF.

The category consists of these basic data items:

and these specific data items:

I haven't included the equivalent of _pd_calib.2theta_off_min/max in here. Should they be replicated for each x-coordinate?

Alternatively, have a different PD_CALIB_* for each 2theta, position, TOF, and channel num.

rowlesmr commented 1 year ago

Sort of related to angle calibrations is how to record specimen displacements.

  1. Do we need to?
  2. I think there are three displacements (units of mm): edit - reading back, even these definitions are inadequate...
    • Equatorial - Displacement perpendicular to the beam, in the plane of diffraction; ie specimen displacement in Bragg-Brentano
    • Lateral - Displacement parallel to the beam; ie increasing/decreasing the effective specimen-detector distance. You can get this with capillaries in Debye-Scherrer
    • Axial - Displacement perpendicular to the beam, and perpendicular to the plane of diffraction. (if equatorial is up/down, and lateral is left/right, axial is toward/away from you)
  3. These displacements also need to have specimen-detector distances recorded. I think that appropriate data items would be
    • _pd_instr.detector_circle_radius
    • _pd_instr.dist_spec_anal
    • _pd_instr.dist_spec_detc
    • _pd_instr.dist_spec_vdetc
  4. Where to put such displacements? I think PD_SPEC is the best place. I don't think the PD_INSTR is appropriate. PD_PROC_LS doesn't seem right, as although it is often a refined parameter, it does refer to a "real" thing. PD_SPEC is a Set category; do we need to be able to provide displacements per detector_id? if so, then we'd need to make something like PD_SPEC_DISPLACEMENT or PD_CALIB_DISPLACEMENT .
  5. Can we provide something like a _pd_spec.displacement_geometry to allow for the automated calculation of corrected 2theta values ? With an enumerated choice: "bragg-brentano", "debye-scherrer", "seeman-bohlin", ... , "other". Other would require _pd_calibration.conversion_eqn to be defined.

(I promise to stop thinking of things now... :))

rowlesmr commented 1 year ago

see also #91 #92 #93