COMCIFS / Powder_Dictionary

CIF definitions for powder diffraction
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Case-sensitivity of key/id-like data items #61

Open rowlesmr opened 1 year ago

rowlesmr commented 1 year ago

pdCIF has some id-like data names (,, which are supposed to have unique values associated with them.

The description of says:

Blank spaces may also not be used. Capitalization may be used within the ID code but should not be considered significant - searches for data-set ID names should be case-insensitive.

which describes Code, yet the content type is Text.

Other discussions (here, and here) suggest Word, and Text as appropriate choices for the content type.

Code is a case-insensitive sequence of CIF2 characters containing no ASCII whitespace. Word is a case-sensitive sequence of CIF2 characters containing no ASCII whitespace. Text is a case-sensitive sequence of CIF2 characters.

Is there a single content type that can be chosen for all (pdCIF) key/id-like data items?