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Preferred dREL coding style? #21

Open rowlesmr opened 1 year ago

rowlesmr commented 1 year ago

Is there a preferred style for writing dREL? In my head, I'm thinking a mashup of Python ('cause no tabs in CIFs) and C++ ('cause {})

A few different ways of writing the same thing. The first example is self-consistent, the second has a few things going on.

With a as atom_site_aniso
    # indent here, as now we're inside a 'With' block
    If(a.ADP_type == 'betaani')  # no spaces here apart from around operators
    {                            # opening brace on newline
        #indent one level inside a new block
        a.matrix_beta = [[a.beta_11, a.beta_12, a.beta_13],  # no spaces between
                         [a.beta_12, a.beta_22, a.beta_23],  # '[' and next
                         [a.beta_13, a.beta_23, a.beta_33]]  # token           
    Else If(a.ADP_type == 'Bani')  # 'Else If' go together on one line
        UIJ = b.matrix_B / (8 * Pi**2)
        CUB = _cell.convert_Uij_to_betaij
        a.matrix_beta =  CUB * UIJ * CUB  # use the 'With' abbreviation in the
                                          # assignment of the value to the dataname
                                          # that is the subject of the dREL


With a as atom_site_aniso
# no extra indent, as 'With' is "just" a typedef
If ( a.ADP_type == 'betaani' ) {  # spaces everywhere. opening { on this line
    a.matrix_beta = [ [ a.beta_11, a.beta_12, a.beta_13 ],  # spaces between
                      [ a.beta_12, a.beta_22, a.beta_23 ],  # '[' and next
                      [ a.beta_13, a.beta_23, a.beta_33 ] ] # token           
Else If ( a.ADP_type == 'Bani' )  # No {} with a single statement If block
    UIJ = b.matrix_B / (8 * Pi**2)
Else {
    CUB = _cell.convert_Uij_to_betaij
    _atom_site_aniso.matrix_beta =  CUB * UIJ * CUB # use the full dataname in the
                                                    # assignment of the value to the dataname
                                                    # that is the subject of the dREL                                       
jamesrhester commented 1 year ago

There is no preferred style, so feel free to advocate for one from the several that have been defined for C/C++. Readability is important, so I like having blank lines between code blocks, e.g. around If statements.