COMCIFS / instrument-geometry-info

A collection of layouts for specific beamlines and instruments
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[Layout]: ALBA XALOC 2015 #29

Open jamesrhester opened 1 year ago

jamesrhester commented 1 year ago

Facility name


Beamline name


Is updated?

Start date


Finish date

No response

Principal axis orientation


Goniometer axes

angle, a

Rotation axis name



No response

Image orientation

top left

Fast direction


Pixel size

0.172, 0.172

Number of pixels

2463, 2527

Detector axes

No response


No response

Data DOI


The only unknown for the beamline geometry is the direction of the rotation axis. The present submission is a guess in order to generate a geometry for testing. Also, the miniCBF files at the above location do not indicate the oscillation axis beyond the cryptic "X, CW" notation. The PHI axis is fixed at zero for all scans, so presumably something like omega is scanned.

jamesrhester commented 1 year ago

Initial untested output of latest issue_to_imgcif.jl

_audit.block_id Alba_XALOC
_diffrn_source.beamline XALOC
_diffrn_source.facility Alba
         angle      rotation     goniometer  .          1   0  0   0
         0                        0
         source     .            source      .          0   0  1   0
         0                        0
         gravity    .            gravity     .          0   1  0   0
         0                        0
         two_theta  rotation     detector    .          1   0  0   0
         0                        0
         trans      translation  detector    two_theta  0   0  -1  0
         0                        0
         detx       translation  detector    trans      -1  0  0   211.81800
         -217.32200               0
         dety       translation  detector    detx       0   1  0   0
         0                        0
         detx                  1                  0.086                  0.172
         dety                  2                  0.086                  0.172
         1          1          2463          increasing          1          1
         1          2          2527          increasing          2          2
         1                        2
         detx                     1
         dety                     1
jamesrhester commented 1 year ago

Confirmed that the rotation direction is the opposite of the direction initially guessed above, and the beam centre is noticeably different to the exact centre of the detector. The middle image below is with reversed x axis direction, the final image is as per above.

Based on this the revised description is:

_audit.block_id Alba_XALOC
_diffrn_source.beamline XALOC
_diffrn_source.facility Alba
         angle      rotation     goniometer  .          1   0  0   0
         0                        0
         source     .            source      .          0   0  1   0
         0                        0
         gravity    .            gravity     .          0   -1  0   0
         0                        0
         two_theta  rotation     detector    .          1   0  0   0
         0                        0
         trans      translation  detector    two_theta  0   0  -1  0
         0                        0
         detx       translation  detector    trans      1  0  0   -212.81800
         224.12200               0
         dety       translation  detector    detx       0   -1  0   0
         0                        0
         detx                  1                  0.086                  0.172
         dety                  2                  0.086                  0.172
         1          1          2463          increasing          1          1
         1          2          2527          increasing          2          2
         1                        2
         detx                     1
         dety                     1

pilatus_reverse cif pilatus_reverse cif_peaks pilatus_test cif_peaks