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Ethics Assignment #10

Open baonhivu opened 11 months ago

baonhivu commented 11 months ago

Prompt: As a team, discuss situations you can remember (find, identify) in which a software system (program, component, deployment of some service) was created and demonstrate some behavior that you consider unethical.

Explain how your example is problematic. Discuss why it seems unethical, and discuss if the problem is the software engineer(s) behavior, or the functions being performed by the software... perhaps both. Also, the problematic aspect of your situation might not fit into this division... engineer vs. product behavior.

Do this for 3 examples.

Acceptance Criteria:

Site Page: Link

StevenAMartin commented 11 months ago

The 3 listed issue are fine by me as I think that they are sufficient for the assignment. A brief stab at an added analysis for where the problem stems from.

For ethical issue #1 the problem is systemic in our legal / law enforcement systems, but it would be the engineers ethical responsibility to bring awareness to the problem rather than blindly implementing.

Perhaps I'm not familiar enough with issue #2, one case was with google pixel cameras not handling darker pigments properly this one seems like an error from omission designing in a bubble of the engineer's social-cultural circle and not sufficiently evaluating / testing for their whole market. There might be others that are worse.

For #3 one would think that this technology might have been better to not develop / release in the first place. However much AGI AI research we often race to release products with out thinking about the consequence out of fear of missed opportunities.

An alternative issue could be excessive tracking of users activities for social media site for monetization. Results in polarization by showing users more of what they like in order to make more advertising revenue.