COMP5241-2324-Project / Simpsyber

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[FEATURE] Display the ability of each staff at first page instead of clicking into details #34

Open 22006931g opened 6 months ago

22006931g commented 6 months ago

Since time constrain is one of the critical criteria in running this game, in order to get a higher score, the ability and the strength of each staff has to be well defined such that appropriate task could be assigned to the appropriate person to minimize the project task. However, on staff selection page, only finish time is not enough. When we start to choose a staff to do a particular job, we have to click one by one to see their finish time, it is quite time consuming and waste the game time which leads to a low grade.


Therefore, I suggest the user interfaces should be enhance to show each staff ability and their particular finishing time on the staff selection page (say under the profile picture of the staff) , such that player can clearly know that which staff is be chosen to best suit the task.

2101087g commented 6 months ago

Agree. I found it time-consuming as well to view details of each staff when the time is tight. I think your suggestion is a good one as I can see their strength at once in the staff selection panel, it makes it much more clear and simple.

23007485g commented 6 months ago

Agree. As each staff needs different time to complete specific task, I suggest the player can view the time required for all available staffs to complete that task on the same page. This allows the player to choose the right person for that task instead of clicking their icons one by one.

oiuytrew commented 6 months ago

Agreed! The suggested feature can really ease the frustration of multiple clicks the through individual staff details during the gameplay. By showing each staff member's strengths directly on the staff selection panel, players can choose the most suitable candidate for each task and optimize their decision-making process. By the way, showing the finish time for each staff has already been proposed in earlier issues and comments. Issue#4 Issue#2 reply from xaviernhy It is a good idea to integrate with the staffs' abilities which provides further enhancement. The improvements really help with time management and decision-making.

onuswph commented 6 months ago

I believe it is more convenient for instructors to determine which employee is more productive in completing the task when the ability is displayed on the Kanban page. It inspired me to think how much better it would be if we could provide a list of workers who have been suggested to complete the task. This would allow the instructor to rank the workers according to their suitability for this particular mission. image

To ensure the sustainability of this game, we can remove this recommendation list after week 6. This might be a reflection of real-world situations where managers frequently spend time getting to know their team members strengths and learning about their skills. This may reduce the reliance on predefined ability reports and build up a more sustainable approach to team management.