COMP765-Fall2017 / Assignment1

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Error in roslaunch #2

Open sahandrez opened 6 years ago

sahandrez commented 6 years ago

Hi everyone, I have compiled the assignment code and added it to ROS environment. But I run into this error while executing roslaunch comp765_assign1 control_helpers.launch.

[gazebo-3] process has died [pid 31395, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver -u -e ode /home/sahand/gazebo_ros_projects/Assignment1/src/aqua_gazebo/worlds/ aqua:=/aqua tf:=/tf name:=gazebo log:=/home/sahand/.ros/log/33727596-ac86-11e7-84d7-14abc57e911d/gazebo-3.log]. log file: /home/sahand/.ros/log/33727596-ac86-11e7-84d7-14abc57e911d/gazebo-3*.log libGL error: failed to create drawable

Does any one have any suggestions?


dmeger commented 6 years ago

Hi Sahand,

I think that error can sometimes be transient (as in it comes and goes). You could simply try ctrl-c of the roslaunch and then wait a while and run it again.

Alternatively, if you're running in a docker or some other terminal that doesn't allow displays to be created, this will happen every time. In that case, you have to modify the launch a bit to run silently. I'll try to give a good option for this as soon as I can.


sahandrez commented 6 years ago

Hi Professor Meger,

Thank you so much for your elaborate response.

Good to know this is something common and transient. I thought there was something wrong with my installation which would cause troubles in the future implementations.

Bests, Sahand.