Handling multiple models, multiple models are necessary to address revisions, specifically investigating the primary ecosystem effect and the effect of measurement interval. Measurement interval is confounded with ecosystem type and study duration, it has no statistically significant primary effect (whereas ecosystem, duration, and SOC all do for +P).
[x] include discussion of this confounded situation (ha!) in response to reviewer letter and in materials and methods
[x] add new code file, which reads in the meta analysis data frame directly and runs the following;
[x] meta regressions with single modifiers*
[x] meta regression with all modifiers
[x] graph of confounded factors*
[x] add *items to supplemental materials and manuscript as appropriate
Handling multiple models, multiple models are necessary to address revisions, specifically investigating the primary ecosystem effect and the effect of measurement interval. Measurement interval is confounded with ecosystem type and study duration, it has no statistically significant primary effect (whereas ecosystem, duration, and SOC all do for +P).