COMPASS-DPG / wpcas-service

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Transform the frac call into our requirement and Integrate with Competency Passbook, WPCAS and Marketplace #91

Open aman1esmagico opened 4 months ago

aman1esmagico commented 4 months ago

aman1esmagico commented 4 months ago

Current data we are getting from tarento

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have to be tranformed into the following structure for the use case of passbook, wpcas, and marketplace

rohitsamagra commented 3 months ago
rohitsamagra commented 3 months ago
rohitsamagra commented 3 months ago

@VamshiBatta07 During FRAC Integration we wanted to add in activities within the competency passbook page, wanted to check if that is done. Thanks

rohitsamagra commented 3 months ago
rohitsamagra commented 3 months ago
rohitsamagra commented 3 months ago
rohitsamagra commented 3 months ago

FRAC issue with Position, same name repeating twice - Vamshi to reply to Tarento and close

rohitsamagra commented 2 months ago