CONP-PCNO / conp-dataset

:open_file_folder: A DataLad dataset for CONP
MIT License
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Closed cmadjar closed 4 years ago

cmadjar commented 4 years ago


The BIDS dataset has been created for PREVENT-AD but a few steps are still needed in order to release the BIDS dataset:

1) Create LORIS URL for the different files of the BIDS dataset so the files can be downloaded through the same LORIS token mechanism

2) Create/modify the datalad crawler to crawl the BIDS dataset from LORIS

3) Create a new dataset for the BIDS PREVENT-AD dataset crawled and link it to the original MINC dataset (see #230)

cmadjar commented 4 years ago

Follow up on where things are at on that front.

[x] LORIS API endpoints created (Point 1. of the description) [x] Crawler updated (Point 2. of the description)

A few notes regarding this Point 2. of the description:

Very hacky but it works until we get a more permanent solution on the DataLad front.

[ ] Create a new dataset for the BIDS PREVENT-AD dataset and link to original MINC dataset still to be done

cmadjar commented 4 years ago

The issue in Point 2. is resolved by

Note that a different PR will be sent to the datalad repo by Yarik to fix a few other issues at the same time.

So for now, to have a crawler version that works:

1) create a new virtualenv for the LORIS BIDS crawler

2) clone my fork of the datalad repo and checkout Yarik's branch from the following PR: and run pip install .

3) clone my fork of the datalad-crawler and checkout the branch that contains the template and pip install .

4) install local copy of conp-dataset:

datalad install -r

5) go into conp-dataset and create a local project:

cd conp-dataset
datalad create -d . projects/preventad-open-bids

6) create a sibling for this project on github

datalad create-sibling-github -d projects/preventad-open-bids preventad-open-bids

7) manually edit .gitmodules as follows

[submodule "projects/preventad-open-bids"]
  path = projects/preventad-open-bids>
  url =

8) populate the dataset:

[credential:loris-openpreventad] url = type = loris-token

- add loris.cfg to git:

git add .datalad/providers/loris.cfg git commit -m 'adding the LORIS config file for the crawler'

-  initialize the crawler:

datalad crawl-init --save --template=loris_bids_export url= apibase=

- crawl (LORIS username and password will be asked the first time):

datalad crawl

Steps above are mostly from that documentation about the creation of a new dataset via DataLad (except the datalad crawl part):
cmadjar commented 4 years ago

PREVENT-AD BIDS is now cooking... To be continued on Tuesday.

cmadjar commented 4 years ago

Now available on the portal:

The circle CI error might be related to so I will create a new issue for that.