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ethernet bootloader #13

Closed thomaslusli closed 4 years ago

thomaslusli commented 6 years ago

Tried to use ardiane ethernet bootloader for the Maxi Automation via MEGA 2560 ISP without luck. Is there a ready to use ethernet bootloader?

thomaslusli commented 6 years ago

Just modified the Ariadne ETH bootloader source code for Maxi Automation. Now loading via tftp is working :). Serial loading works as well at startup !

CONTROLLINO-Support commented 6 years ago

Cool! May I ask you to share what was the issue with the original Ariadne code, please? Thanks!

thomaslusli commented 6 years ago


I had no time to modify the toolchain for Controllino. So here are the changes i made.

The original code is:

changes to __AVR_Atmega2560__: spi.h: 1.) change Ethernet Interface to PORT J (PORT B is used) and ETH_SS to PINJ3 2.) change Onboard LED to anything you wish (PB7 is used by a DO) or comment in main.c spi.c: I have disabled the SD-card.

Make project and use ariadne_atmega2560_w5100

CONTROLLINO-Support commented 6 years ago

Thank you!

thomaslusli commented 6 years ago

tftp uploading is working very well until now. I had some troubles with loading code > 32kB. The bootloader makes a eth-request after 32 kB to the gateway-address. If there is a unknown gateway in eeprom, the uploading stops and a timeout occurs. A correct gateway solves the problem as described also here:

Sven0909 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I would like to install the ethernet bootloader on the Controllino MEGA. Should I also change the spi.h/spi.c as @thomaslusli wrote?

Do I really need a programmer or is it possible to use the USB?

Which board I have to choose in the Arduino IDE? The "Atmega 2560" or the old "Controllino MEGA" as I used it for the USB? Especially for installling the ethernet bootloader and after that for normal programming.


CONTROLLINO-Support commented 6 years ago

Hi Sven,

Good luck and let us know about the results! Lukas

Sven0909 commented 6 years ago


Thanks for that

Do I select also the proper CONTROLLINO board while I install the ethernet bootloader? The picture says I have to select maybe the "Arduino MEGA 2560 w/ Ariadne Bootloader"?

Can you recommend a programmer? I have to buy one

I will let you know how it works

CONTROLLINO-Support commented 6 years ago

I would recommend you the Atmel-ICE programmer.

I prefer to do not use it with Arduino IDE, but with Atmel Studio. Please, see our guide how to program a bootloader to CONTROLLINO MEGA.

redmuchroom commented 5 years ago

I know it is an old stuff but since it is still open issue :). I tried to do it (with ariadne bootloader) on a Mega... I did the changes reported by thomaslusli and also some changes in spi.h for the rtc pinout...

I see different issues:

i fyou have any suggestion feel free :). if I get some improvements, I will post them.


thomaslusli commented 5 years ago


The only point I can agree, is the reset button. I have ignored this function, since the control is remote and I dont need it.

What I can tell you:

For me it sounds, that you have several problems

Best regards Thomas

redmuchroom commented 5 years ago

hi thomas,

thanks for your reply. I managed to reset it remotely :) thanks for your help... I got the issue on the second point you mentioned :). so far, I can upload and reset it remotely. I need to figure out the serial part but I think this should be a stupid error again :)

thanks a lot!

hplus28 commented 4 years ago

Hi folks,

I also tried to do the modifications in the spi.h file and compiled the bootloader. i managed to burn it with an avr isp II and the arduino ide. I am sure the ide is using the modified file. After this i was unable to upload a sketch using the usb port. The hex file is 11 072 bytes long. Did i miss something? I didn't try to upload via tftp yet, according to ariadne the bootloader is supposed to work with serial too isn't it?

Controllino could provide the tftp bootloader ?

Thank you for your help


redmuchroom commented 4 years ago

hi Franky,

Yes you should be able to use the usb port. could you try to launch the monitor, first? then the controllino should reboot and stay in bootloader stage and you should be able to upload the sketch. (but it is a quite long time i didn't try through usb...)

did you manage to upload the sketch with tftp?

hope this will help...


hplus28 commented 4 years ago

Hi, sorry for the delay and thank you for your answer. I didn't try using tftp yet. I am unable to upload via usb. Here is the modified part of the spi.h file:

elif defined(AVR_ATmega1280) || defined(AVR_ATmega2560)

    /** SPI port and pins */
    #define SPI_DDR         DDRB
    #define SPI_PORT        PORTB
    #define SCK             PINB1  //Pin 52
    #define MISO    PINB3  //Pin 50
    #define MOSI    PINB2  //Pin 51
    #define SS      PINB0  //Pin 53
    /** Ethernet Shield SS pin */
    #define ETH_DDR         DDRB
    #define ETH_PORT        PORTJ
    #define ETH_SS          PINJ3  //Pin 10
    /** SD card SS pin */
    #define SD_DDR  DDRG
    #define SD_PORT PORTG
    #define SD_SS   PING5  //Pin 04
    /** Onboard LED is connected to pin PB7 on Arduino Mega */
    #define LED_DDR     DDRB
    #define LED_PORT    PORTB
    #define LED         PINB6

I didn't change the spi.c file (i didn't understand where to disable the sd card. Maybe this is the problem?

Then i type : "make atmega2560_w5100" i can seem that the rebuild of the hex file is sucesfull. I then upload this file using arduino ide and the avrisp mkII. The device does not respond anymore after this. I have to reflash the bootlader provided by controllino to make it work again...

Thank you

redmuchroom commented 4 years ago

hi, sorry for late reply, for spi.c &spic.h :check : (sent be jkroeze on

also after the upload of the bootloader do you have aled blinking? (this tells you that the controllino is in boot mode and ready to get a sketch...

hplus28 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I tried the bbotloader in the zip file and it works, i managed to upload via usb and tftp. Sometimes the controllino seems to get stuck in the bootloarder (the led keeps blinking). I'll check in when this happens. Thank you