COPCSE-NTNU / bachelor-thesis-NTNU

A Latex template, class file, and examples for writing a bachelor thesis at NTNU
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better code listings #6

Open SimonMcCallum opened 7 years ago

TJuberg commented 7 years ago

For code listing with syntax highlighting one could possibly also mention the minted package.

Eksempel på bruk av minted sammen med tcolorbox

% Minted og tcolorbox for syntax highlighting og fargerike bokser
% Default settings for Minted

% Macro for å opprette nytt minted miljø og tcolobox samtidig
  \tcbset{myminted/#1/.style={minted language=#2,minted options={#3}}}}

% Definere de forskjellige minted miljøene vi vil benytte

% Kodeblokker
\newtcblisting[auto counter,number within=section,
  list inside=mypyg]{kode}[3][]{%
  listing only,title={#3},
  list entry={\protect\numberline{\thetcbcounter}#3},
  enhanced,colframe=blue!50!black,drop fuzzy shadow,myminted/#2,#1}

% oppgavesitater
    enhanced,colframe=brown!50!black,drop fuzzy shadow,

% Endring
    enhanced,colframe=red!50!black,drop fuzzy shadow,
ifarup commented 5 years ago

After reading this discussion

I prefer to stay with listings. However, the listings package is highly configurable, so we could make much better use of it than we currently do.