COPCSE-NTNU / master-theses-NTNU

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Language: Norwegian for the department in Norsk setting #1

Closed SimonMcCallum closed 8 years ago

SimonMcCallum commented 8 years ago

I am also writing my thesis in Norwegian, and have changed the tags in \documentclass to "MIXD" and "norsk". This leads to the front page displaying this: Masteroppgave Master i Teknologi - Interaksjonsdesign 30 ECTS Department of Computer Science and Media Technology Norwegian University of Science and Technology I'm wondering if it would be more correct for it to say something like this, since the thesis is written in Norwegian: Masteroppgave Master i interaksjonsdesign 30 ECTS Avdeling for informatikk og medieteknikk Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet