COS301-SE-2024 / Crop-Prediction-System

The AI-Driven Crop Prediction System that applies Machine Learning and AI to analyze weather, soil, and crop data to predict crop health and yield. This system provides farmers with precise predictions, empowering them to make data-driven decisions and enhance their farming practices.
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Start building an ML model #61

Closed iwandejong closed 3 days ago

iwandejong commented 3 weeks ago


Combining everything:


iwandejong commented 2 weeks ago

All preprocessing facilities are available. Problem is time it takes to analyse all of them.

This all needs to be done uninterrupted to ensure data validity on Supabase.

iwandejong commented 1 week ago

Built a basic random forest model on wheat. Seems to work pretty well, but will fine-tune as time progresses to ensure that there's no bias or other factors affecting the model