COS301-SE-2024 / Dispute-Resolution-Engine

Facilitating & enhancing dispute resolution processes with Natural Language Processing and Sentiment Analysis
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Update documentation for demo 2 #129

Open S3BzA opened 1 week ago

S3BzA commented 1 week ago

Update Demo 1 documentation (name it version 2) without removing existing sections.

Software Requirements Specifications (SRS) Document

Architectural Requirements Document

  1. Architectural Design Strategy
    • [x] #153
  2. Architectural Strategies
    • [ ] Justify high-level styles and patterns used.
  3. Architectural Quality Requirements
    • [x] #132
  4. Architectural Design & Pattern
    • [ ] Provide an overview of system architecture patterns and design.
    • [ ] Include architectural diagram showing each component.
    • [ ] Justify each design decision.
  5. Architectural Constraints
    • [x] #136
  6. Technology Choices
    • [x] Consider at least three technologies for each system component.
    • [x] Provide an overview, pros and cons, and final choice justification.
S3BzA commented 1 week ago

@vfeistel @CaelanHill @MichaelHorwitz @ZaguePrime Need to remember to do this.