COS301-SE-2024 / TuneIn

Introducing TuneIn, where music becomes a shared experience that connects people, transcending distances and creating lasting bonds through the power of music.
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Fix Functional Requirements formatting #10

Closed lkekana closed 3 weeks ago

lkekana commented 1 month ago

from demo 1 doc:


Specify functional requirements to satisfy the use cases. Formulate them in terms of requirements and sub-requirements.


Assign the requirements to subsystems. in Figure 1. A use case diagram with the required functionality in the form for each concrete use case includes and extends relationships to lower-level use cases. Use <<include>> to specify sub-functionality for a given functionality and <<extend>> if the sub-functionality is optional. Show the required functionality within a system boundary as actions (ovals). The actors (stick figures) are people or other systems requesting or delivering services (labels on the connection line between an actor and an action).

Group the requirements in logical modules that can be implemented as inter-dependent subsystems with low coupling and high cohesion.

lkekana commented 1 month ago

also add: