COS301-SE-2024 / TuneIn

Introducing TuneIn, where music becomes a shared experience that connects people, transcending distances and creating lasting bonds through the power of music.
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Refine QRs based on feedback #33

Closed lkekana closed 1 month ago

lkekana commented 1 month ago

(Don't forget to close before this)


lkekana commented 1 month ago

Advice from Chat:

Quantifications for Quality Requirements

Quantifying quality requirements means specifying measurable criteria for non-functional requirements. This helps ensure that the requirements are clear, testable, and achievable. Here's how you can approach quantification for different user types:

  1. Performance

    • Response time: "The system shall respond to user inputs within 2 seconds for regular users and 1 second for premium users."
    • Throughput: "The system shall process up to 100 transactions per second for end-users."
  2. Security

    • Authentication: "The system shall support two-factor authentication for all users."
    • Data encryption: "All user data shall be encrypted using AES-256."
  3. Usability

    • Accessibility: "The system shall comply with WCAG 2.1 Level AA for visually impaired users."
    • Interface response: "The dashboard shall load within 3 seconds for all users."
  4. Reliability

    • Uptime: "The system shall have an uptime of 99.9% for all users."
lkekana commented 1 month ago

also found this in my notes from our meeting last week:

not too sure what it meant tbh

lkekana commented 1 month ago

note: Thabo also said you should only give estimates where it's possible & necessary to measure them (eg. probably unnecessary: 99.9% uptime) and also discuss strategies to achieve for QRs