COS301-SE-2024 / TuneIn

Introducing TuneIn, where music becomes a shared experience that connects people, transcending distances and creating lasting bonds through the power of music.
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Determine Estimates for User Stories #34

Open lkekana opened 1 month ago

lkekana commented 1 month ago

don't forget to close first

lkekana commented 1 month ago

extra advice from Chat:

Estimations in Use Case Diagrams

Estimations provide a way to assess the effort, time, and resources needed for each use case. This helps in project planning and resource allocation. Estimations can include:

  1. Effort Estimation

    • Time: "This use case is estimated to take 20 hours of development."
    • Complexity: "This use case has a complexity level of 3 out of 5."
  2. Resource Estimation

    • Personnel: "This use case requires 2 developers and 1 QA engineer."
    • Tools: "This use case requires access to the payment gateway API."
lkekana commented 1 month ago

also from my notes in today's meeting:

service contracts user stories: user x has input y, expects z and the system does xyz to provide z

room subsystem content management

profile management

@u22528492 you might need to research that before fixing. my notes confused me too