COS301-SE-2024 / TuneIn

Introducing TuneIn, where music becomes a shared experience that connects people, transcending distances and creating lasting bonds through the power of music.
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Code profile management #42

Open NerinaBorchard opened 1 month ago

NerinaBorchard commented 1 month ago

Code and implement the functionality for the profile pages.

Use the feature/profile branch.

profile.dart can be found in tunein\lib\screens\profile.dart edit_profile.dart can be found in tunein\lib\screens\edit_profile.dart

Make sure to open your VS code in code\tunein where tunein is the flutter code for our app.

Use figma design on how it should look :

When looking at the figma design you will see a my profile page and other user page, these are the same but other user has a follow button instead of edit and no setting button.

my profile page and other user page displays the same information, you would scroll on my profile to see the rest.

link pop up shows you the pop up that displays when you click on " /jessbailey and 2 more links" .

make sure to use components for: -song -room -genre so its easier to use and can be reused instead of copping the code multiple times you not limited to these 3 components , you can group others you find necessary

NerinaBorchard commented 1 month ago
