COS301-SE-2024 / TuneIn

Introducing TuneIn, where music becomes a shared experience that connects people, transcending distances and creating lasting bonds through the power of music.
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Feature/chatroom implementation #81

Closed thabisomatau closed 5 days ago

gitguardian[bot] commented 1 week ago

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lkekana commented 1 week ago


the changes to the rooms in backend look good but your PR primarily changes frontend files? if you didn't make changes to frontend, can you fix your branch's frontend folder so it doesn't change anything that's already fine. a couple files are about to be deleted and some changes seemingly reverted in this PR

Changes needed

  1. in the rooms controller, can you get the userId like i did for the /users endpoints, for example,

    const userInfo: JWTPayload = this.auth.getUserInfo(req);
    return await this.usersService.createRoom(createRoomDto,;

    where is the user ID. so that it gets the user info and sends the appropriate errors (for validation purposes)

  2. and for each path in the controller, can you add the appropriate decorators for the documentation and for readability, eg.

    @ApiOperation({ summary: "Follow the given user" })
    @ApiParam({ name: "username" })
    description: "Successfully followed the user.",
    type: Boolean,
    description: "Error following the user.",
    type: Boolean,
    async followUser(
    @Request() req: any,
    @Param("username") username: string,
    ): Promise<boolean> {
    const userInfo: JWTPayload = this.auth.getUserInfo(req);
    return await this.profileService.followUser(, username);

    the decorators should have hints in VSCode as you type them and Copilot should assist too

  3. can you add Dockerfile to gitignore for now

lkekana commented 1 week ago

@thabisomatau yo, so your branch still changes 31 files in the frontend folder?

Linda-Masia commented 6 days ago