COS420-Fall23 / Team-D

This is Team D's project repository. Shall be tackling the problem of helping graduates/students find a reliable job by cutting down the search method or type that other sites use.
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Update Domain Model #167

Closed DracoDrakthen closed 7 months ago

DracoDrakthen commented 8 months ago

The comments from Deliverable 5 must be addressed.

For any comment that was not addressed, deduct -2 points.

Here is a good example and another example

Here is a good example from Team F ‘22 of a case where domain objects didn’t have many relationships.

Review relevant class sessions and slides before doing this. Feel free to search online for class diagrams and domain models for similar domains as yours for inspiration, just cite them in your final domain model.

Submit a model of the domain with links and relationships. The expectation is that you have at least 8 classes in their diagram. If your domain is actually very small, you may have less.

If the number of classes is below 8, per each missing class -2.5 points.

If the model is too large, break it down in to 2 – 4 smaller models.

Otherwise, -5 points overall.

UML domain model needs to includes attributes, links, methods.

For each mistake, -2 points.

Create a task to compare your sequence diagrams and domain model and harmonize them (consistent method names)

If the domain includes something like database or UI deduct -2 points per mistake.

Links should be correct. If not, each mistake -2 points.

Represents reasonable relationship

Cardinality is reasonable (e.g. 0..* zero to many, …)

Students also need to have a description for the domain model as a whole and how each smaller model is related to the rest.

If the description is missing, deduct -10 points.

If the description is not completed, deduct -5 points.

GShadow5 commented 7 months ago

We seem to have gotten full points for this after addressing Dr. Greg's D4 comments, so I'm just going to close this