COS420-Fall23 / Team-G

Repository of team g
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Kanban #79

Closed KlawZ closed 10 months ago

KlawZ commented 10 months ago

Kanban board should show progress (on your issue/task management platform e.g. Github Issues + Github Projects, Jetbrains Space, etc)

If no progress is shown, the grade for this part will be 0.

If no link to the project management platform showing the Kanban is submitted, 0 and it’s not resubmittable for regrade.

There should be 20-50 tasks for current Deliverable and prior deliverable revisions, each task should be small.

If < 20 tasks, -2.5 points

If any tasks are nonsensical or made just to get to 20, -10 points

If there are more than 1-2 tasks with the entire team assigned to them, -2.5 points for each

Each task should have the grading feedback/rubric information inside the task, for that task. The task assignee should have everything they need to know to do the task well, by just looking at the task. (Also for the quality checking for the task).

-2 for each task missing this