COS420-Fall24 / TeamG

Money Gremlin, COS 420 F2024
1 stars 0 forks source link

Pull from Github, edit README with name, take screenshot, push -2 #41

Closed Eric-Jestel closed 1 week ago

Eric-Jestel commented 2 weeks ago

Software (/10)

The implementation should have been started.

If there is no code/HTML/scripts in Github, this part will be graded as 0.

Setting up the build environments and the necessary dependencies.

You do not need to have any significant progress on developing your application. Focus on setting up the build environment.You can use create-react-app or otherwise create your project structure.

Your README file should detail the installation and build process for your application. Make sure it works on each person’s machine.

Submit screenshot(s) or a single video showing the app running on each person’s machine

If there is nothing, deduct -5 points.