COSC481W-2022Winter / capstone-hackmcx

capstone-hackmcx created by GitHub Classroom
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Implement Caption creation component #48

Closed zxkevin closed 2 years ago

zxkevin commented 2 years ago

As an account holder I want a page for creating a Caption for each Post, so that others can see my funny caption for the image.

Acceptance Criteria:


sjiang1 commented 2 years ago

Can you submit a caption without login? What happens if a user submits without login? Please add this to your acceptance criteria.

3dxp commented 2 years ago

Currently users of the site will be able to submit captions on posts anonymously.

ahassani93 commented 2 years ago

Updated the acceptance criteria to include a note on caption creation without login.

ahassani93 commented 2 years ago

Changed "page" to "component" because of duplicate tasks with issue #44.