COSC481W-2024Fall / CampQuest

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Clone and Transfer EC2 Repository to Local Machine, Push and Merge to Repo #19

Open EvanMeyerEmich opened 1 week ago

EvanMeyerEmich commented 1 week ago

User Story:

As a user, I want to search for campsites by entering keywords on the home page, so that I can easily find specific campsites that match my interests.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Search Input:

    • There is a search input box on the home page where users can type in keywords.

    • Placeholder text in the search box reads “Search campsites by title.”

  1. Matching Campsites Display:

    • When the user enters a keyword, the app should query the database for campsites whose titles contain the keyword (case-insensitive).

    • Search results should display campsites that match the keywords in real-time as the user types.

    • If no campsites match the search, display a message: “No campsites found.”

  2. Search Result Layout:

    • The matching campsites should be displayed in the same grid format (3 campsites across) as all campsites.

    • Ensure that the search results are mobile-friendly.

  3. Clear Search:

    • Users should be able to clear the search results and return to the full list of campsites by clearing the search input.


  1. Frontend:

    • Add a search input box to the home page (in the CampList component).

    • Implement a search query handler that filters campsites as the user types.

    • Ensure that search results are displayed dynamically without page refresh.

    • Style the search bar and ensure the layout remains responsive across different device sizes.

  2. Backend:

    • Modify the backend API to accept query parameters for filtering campsites by title.

    • Implement the logic in the backend to return only campsites whose titles match the given keyword (case-insensitive).

  3. Database:

    • Ensure that the campsite titles are indexed in the database for optimized search queries.


- Unit test the backend route that handles keyword search queries.
-  Create integration tests to verify that the frontend can fetch and display filtered search results properly.
- Perform manual testing on both desktop and mobile views to ensure responsiveness and proper functionality.

Testing Scenarios:

  1. Scenario 1: Search by Keyword

    • Given: The user is on the home page.

    • When: The user types in a keyword in the search box.

    • Then: Campsites with matching titles should be displayed in real-time.

  2. Scenario 2: No Matching Campsites

    • Given: The user types a keyword with no matching campsites.

    • When: The search returns no matches.

    • Then: The message “No campsites found” should be displayed.

  3. Scenario 3: Clear Search

    • Given: The user has entered a search query.

    • When: The user clears the search input.

    • Then: The full list of campsites should be displayed again.

  4. Scenario 4: Mobile Responsiveness

    • Given: The user is on a mobile device.

    • When: The user performs a search.

    • Then: The layout should adjust to display search results in a mobile-friendly grid.